View Full Version : who is your favorite Batman

03-24-2011, 05:54 PM
I was watching Batman Forever on Netflix Val Kilmar is most definately my favorite Batman ever. So I wanted to know who do you guys think played the best Batman

03-24-2011, 06:42 PM
I watched the original Batman series as a kid so Adam West is still my favorite, but I also liked Christian Bale in The Dark Knight.

03-24-2011, 08:16 PM
Christian Bale... 'nuff said ;3

Ilyich Valken
03-24-2011, 08:40 PM
I think the Adam West Batman was good, but as far as being closest to the character, Bale embodies him pretty well.

03-25-2011, 04:31 PM
Christian Bale

03-26-2011, 01:20 PM
Got to say, bale

03-28-2011, 03:49 AM
Keaten was a great batman had the voice, had that nice smile that scared you, he filled the part nicely.

Bale, we see... im not sure even the right word for it, its just he fits the part perfectly like he is batman. Cant give all the credit to bale the storytelling was excellent. The emotions bale shows through-out the entire movies gives more depth. Showing you have a weakness kinda made the movie.

05-09-2011, 04:23 AM
as im pretty young ;)...christian bale, he was epic in the dark knight

05-09-2011, 04:54 AM
I'm young too, just 19, but I have watched the original series and the Adam West movie.

And he is my fav. How can you beat this?

05-09-2011, 05:48 AM
I'm young too, just 19, but I have watched the original series and the Adam West movie.

And he is my fav. How can you beat this?

With this...


05-09-2011, 06:27 AM

05-09-2011, 11:55 AM
Maybe Im just wierd, but I thought The Dark Knight was just a lame movie -.- It didn't have that flair, that atmosphere that I believe makes Batman so damned good.

I preffer Michael Keaten from Batman(1989) and Batman Returns. They're simply my favorite Batman movies(Mainly cause Jack Nicholson is unbeatable as the Joker, hands down)

05-09-2011, 12:39 PM
Maybe Im just wierd, but I thought The Dark Knight was just a lame movie -.- It didn't have that flair, that atmosphere that I believe makes Batman so damned good.

I preffer Michael Keaten from Batman(1989) and Batman Returns. They're simply my favorite Batman movies(Mainly cause Jack Nicholson is unbeatable as the Joker, hands down)

seriously?....i thought it was the best batman movie....came away from all the 80s campy stuff. And the joker was really well played, it really took batman to the 21st century

05-09-2011, 01:25 PM
Christian Bale he is awesome actor :D :p

05-09-2011, 03:00 PM
Didn't even have to think about this one, Christian Bale for me too.

SiC TwiSteD
05-09-2011, 03:06 PM
christian bale is by far the best batman

05-09-2011, 04:06 PM
I loved George Clooney as Batman, for when it was kind of goofy and not totally 100% serious Batman.

The newer, more dark movies have you thinking "There's no other Batman than Christian Bale" though.

05-09-2011, 04:48 PM
seriously?....i thought it was the best batman movie....came away from all the 80s campy stuff. And the joker was really well played, it really took batman to the 21st century

Campy? I think that the Batman movies from the 80s are pretty darned dark :-/ And you think the new movie had the atmosphere?

The Dark Knight was just yet another wannabe blockbuster with lots of special effects and lots of crappy acting which was for the most part completely ignored cause you were dazzled by the fantastic effects.

In some movies that's just fine, but to me Batman gets ruined with all of the pointless, uncontributing action, car chases, gunfire from motorcycles, and a completely off Joker(seriously the Joker in this one was not even convincing, like he didn't even try to top Jack)

Even the name bothers me, The Dark Knight, I mean it doesn't even have the name Batman in it. How can the best batman movie not even have a proper title?

I sat through the entire movie feeling like I was watching a modern Terminator movie where a Terminator had come from the future in a Batman suit to kill the only threat to Skynet, The Joker.

That's just my opinion.

05-10-2011, 07:45 AM
compare this
and this
http://bifsniff.com/wp-content/files/2008/08/tdk-20080820-batman-returns-batmobile-for-auction.jpg(I personally like it)

to this


and this

05-10-2011, 02:42 PM
The Dark Knight was an awesome movie :| The older movies are all pretty cheesy (and yes, campy) and they all have a very, very apparent "comic book" feel to them. Not saying it's a bad thing, as they have their place and I personally like the one with the Penguin/Catwoman that Tim Burton directed p: Still, it's totally campy and dated and mostly an older charm.

The Dark Knight was a completely different perspective. It went for a much more realistic slant - "What would it be like if Batman was ACTUALLY real?" as opposed to staying silly and comic-y. I don't think the acting was bad, at all, and you can't really compare the two Jokers. Heath Ledger did an incredible job as a convincing, more realistic version. Jack Nicholson's was totally over-the-top, and you'd never believe he could be a real person o.o They are completely different ways of looking at the same character. The Dark Knight was awesome because it re-imagined Batman into something different than he had been in the older films.

And who cares if it doesn't have the name Batman in it? How confusing is it to remember all the old films? They all have "Batman" in the title... I'd rather have something different and easier to differentiate. Besides, the first one was called Batman Begins.

The older movies are The Batman, Batman and Robin, Batman Returns, Batman Forever, Batman the Movie, Batman, Batman & Robin, etc... Can you remember which one is which? XD

05-10-2011, 03:13 PM
if a mod says they are campy......they are campy >full stop<

05-10-2011, 03:17 PM
It has to be Christian Bale, he is a fantastic actor all-round. He puts 100% effort into every single role he plays, no matter what genre and no matter what director is present, he is max out. He will Act at the expense of his physical condition too, willing to bulk up for Batman to then lose a dangerous amount of weight for his role in The Fighter.

Hats off to the guy, and may many more awards come his way.

05-10-2011, 07:44 PM
The Dark Knight was an awesome movie :| The older movies are all pretty cheesy (and yes, campy) and they all have a very, very apparent "comic book" feel to them. Not saying it's a bad thing, as they have their place and I personally like the one with the Penguin/Catwoman that Tim Burton directed p: Still, it's totally campy and dated and mostly an older charm.

The Dark Knight was a completely different perspective. It went for a much more realistic slant - "What would it be like if Batman was ACTUALLY real?" as opposed to staying silly and comic-y. I don't think the acting was bad, at all, and you can't really compare the two Jokers. Heath Ledger did an incredible job as a convincing, more realistic version. Jack Nicholson's was totally over-the-top, and you'd never believe he could be a real person o.o They are completely different ways of looking at the same character. The Dark Knight was awesome because it re-imagined Batman into something different than he had been in the older films.

And who cares if it doesn't have the name Batman in it? How confusing is it to remember all the old films? They all have "Batman" in the title... I'd rather have something different and easier to differentiate. Besides, the first one was called Batman Begins.

The older movies are The Batman, Batman and Robin, Batman Returns, Batman Forever, Batman the Movie, Batman, Batman & Robin, etc... Can you remember which one is which? XD

"What if batman was ACTUALLY real!?"



Since when was Batman movies better or worse depending on their grasp on reality?

Cause a huge bulletproof overly pimped out Hummer truck with machineguns and a built in motorcycle with Gattling guns on the sides have even a pinky finger grasping the handle of reality........................

Or cause a cape that magically turns into a pair of solid bat shaped wings when electrified is something that is currently possible............

It is alittle insulting to call the movies that I personally preffer, "silly and comic-y". They were no such thing. I guess I just see them in a different light, and I had absolutely no feeling of them being comic-y, nor campy. I thought they were genuinely dark and creepy like a batman movie should be, not a friggin karate kid in a batsuit who thinks making people piss their pants is a good way to win a fight against bullies, oh yeah, and dont forget the motorcycle!!!

But since that bag has been opened.

I think the Dark Knight is a comically incorrect assumption on what a Batman movie is and should be. It is yet another group of talentless modern directors who pull the pants down on a good and healthy movie series and butt rapes it until it has lost all soul and entertainment and is just a huge puddle of sticky special effects and cheesy and cliche'd storylines.

The Dark Knights only good side is that it had some boring and overused talk scenes where pointless jibber jabber took place where I could go take a piss and come back for the real movie again. And let's not forget the extreme use of Product placement. Yet again, the modern directers pull their pants down.

It may be I'm alone on this stand point, but I personally believe that it was not the 1980s Batman movies that were comic-y and campy. I would call The Dark Knight such a thing.

That is what I think.
And since I'm obviously alone in this opinion I'll leave you guys to glorifying a movie that doesn't deserve it, and bash the movie that does.


05-10-2011, 08:38 PM
I think the Dark Knight is a comically incorrect assumption on what a Batman movie is and should be. It is yet another group of talentless modern directors who pull the pants down on a good and healthy movie series and butt rapes it until it has lost all soul and entertainment and is just a huge puddle of sticky special effects and cheesy and cliche'd storylines.

Are you high? Christopher Nolan is a fantastic director, and The Dark Knight was a fantastic film, and it was a pretty solid representation of who Batman is in the comic books, fact.

I am an avid reader of DC Comics, especially Batman, and I can tell you that Christian Bale did an immaculate job at playing Batman, and C Nolan at the helm made the movie a success.

I'm sorry, I know that is your opinion, but you're stating it like a fact, and you're very wrong. You clearly don't know the Batman comics well enough to make a fair judgement on the best Batman film there has ever been.

To round it all off, with your comment about Nolan being a talentless director, you haven't seen Memento, evidently. What a fantastic film, with a clever and gripping plot, much like another one of Nolan's films, Inception. Oh, and one more to note (not Batman Begins, as it shouldn't need to be mentioned that the film was awesome), The Prestige, starring Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman; great plot, convincing acting... enough said.

Do NOT slate a director when you have no idea what you're talking about. You have just ranted without thinking and having any solid evidence to back up your statement.

05-10-2011, 10:57 PM
^ All your opinion.

Not mine, just cause you don't agree with me does not make your opinion anymore right or wrong whatsoever.

05-11-2011, 01:19 AM
The first two movies by Tim Burton were excellent they rank up there with Batman Begins and Dark Knight. Adam West and the Batman's after Burton were nothing more than complete jokes.
Saph you said

I think the Dark Knight is a comically incorrect assumption on what a Batman movie is and should be. It is yet another group of talentless modern directors who pull the pants down on a good and healthy movie series and butt rapes it until it has lost all soul and entertainment and is just a huge puddle of sticky special effects and cheesy and cliche'd storylines.
What about Batman Forever and Batman and Robin, those movies sucked they insulted the honor that is batman by making a joke out of them. If you watch Batman and Robin closely you will see a bit of Adam West batman style in there. Those movies were done by talentless people who just bent Batman over and did unspeakable things.

Batman Begins and Dark knight do something that was only done by Burton, and that was given it alot of feeling and the sense of darkness. Also the storylines are just pure epic, its hard to top what was done in the dark knight.

05-11-2011, 06:25 AM
^ All your opinion.

Not mine, just cause you don't agree with me does not make your opinion anymore right or wrong whatsoever.

I understand that it is your opinion, which is why I recognised in my reply to you that it was your opinion... I don't just say things for the good of my own health.

Anyway, what you're saying about C Nolan being a bad director, opinion or not, you are wrong. An opinion would be that you don't like him, but to say he is bad is not, as you're trying to state a fact (which it isn't).

The fact of the matter is, Nolan is a fantastic director, and his Batman films capture the essence of the Batman comics. As well as that being my opinion, it is actually a fact. As I said, I'm an avid fan of the Batman comics and I have a qualification in film studies and have vast knowledge of films any way, so I think I know what I'm talking about when I defend Nolan and his films from your outrageous comments, because they are outrageous, and arrogant, and nowhere near truth; another fact for you there.

05-11-2011, 11:12 AM
I like all batman films except the ones I think is bad(wich is a highly personal oppinion, I dont like certain films whoever the director is). End of story.

Ilyich Valken
05-11-2011, 12:24 PM
Cause a huge bulletproof overly pimped out Hummer truck with machineguns and a built in motorcycle with Gattling guns on the sides have even a pinky finger grasping the handle of reality........................
Flights of fancy | Opinion | The Engineer (http://www.theengineer.co.uk/opinion/comment/flights-of-fancy/1006653.article)

Mind you, there ARE vehicles that have remote guidance guns. Take in mind, UAV Reapers.

Or cause a cape that magically turns into a pair of solid bat shaped wings when electrified is something that is currently possible............
10 Batman gadgets you can (almost) get today | DVICE (http://dvice.com/archives/2008/07/believing-batma.php)

6. Memory Fiber Cape

What is it? First seen in Batman Begins, when Batman charges his cape with an electric current, the material becomes rigid and takes on a shape mimicking bat wings. He can then use his cape like a glider and, next to his grappling hook, it's the closest he comes to actually flying.

Is it feasible? There are studies that involve getting substances and fibers to react to electricity, and the idea of a shape-shifting anything excites pretty much everyone. In relation to Batman, the tricky part is making a cape which can remember its shape, let alone let you glide like Bat-boy here. The movie crew on Batman Begins did actually run a charge through Christian Bale's cape, which was made from parachute-grade nylon. They employed a technique used for military and police gear called electrostatic flocking, which, far from letting Batman glide, gives his cape that seamless, billowing look.

Similar real-world technology:
• Electrostatic flocking (http://www.swicofil.com/flock.html) runs a charge under the fabric, giving it that signature look
• Electrorheological fluids (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrorheological_fluid) act much in the same way
May not be exactly the same, but it's close enough for government work.

It is alittle insulting to call the movies that I personally preffer, "silly and comic-y". They were no such thing. I guess I just see them in a different light, and I had absolutely no feeling of them being comic-y, nor campy. I thought they were genuinely dark and creepy like a batman movie should be, not a friggin karate kid in a batsuit who thinks making people piss their pants is a good way to win a fight against bullies, oh yeah, and dont forget the motorcycle!!!
The 80's movies were trying to be very close to the comics, and caused them to be campy. Even the people that make the comics say this. They were extremely campy.

Not to mention, that's what batman's been about. Intimidation. Any amount of fear reaction in an opponent's brain is a huge advantage to you.

That said, the the motorcycle within the car might seem a little ridiculous in itself, but there's nothing wrong with the motorcycle simply existing. It's been shown that he doesn't just rely on the Batmobile, he's got a wide variety of vehicles. Including a motorcycle.

I'll leave the rest to what Jay said, because there's no point in it being repeated.

05-11-2011, 02:06 PM
The fact of the matter is, Nolan is a fantastic director, and his Batman films capture the essence of the Batman comics. As well as that being my opinion, it is actually a fact. As I said, I'm an avid fan of the Batman comics and I have a qualification in film studies and have vast knowledge of films any way, so I think I know what I'm talking about when I defend Nolan and his films from your outrageous comments, because they are outrageous, and arrogant, and nowhere near truth; another fact for you there.

Jayhmmz...I don't consider my opinion a fact, wether it sounds like I do or not. I'm not stating it as a fact.

However, you are.

And Jayhmmz, you could say to me that its a fact that bean burritos sucks ass cause thats just what you think. That would not be a fact, that'd be your opinion.

I don't think Nolan is a good director, in fact I think he sucks, and that, to me, is a fact. Just like to you, he is a good director. That's a fact for you.

Wether he's a good or bad director is not universally agreed upon, some like him, some don't.


It is NOT a fact that he's a good actor.

So please stop claiming that your opinions are any more of a fact than mine are.

05-11-2011, 02:08 PM
Saph, the movies are completely different, and lots of people prefer the grittier approach that BB/TDK took as opposed to the more comic book super hero style of the 80s/90s ones. Comic book-esque isn't a BAD thing, but batman is a comic book hero. The '89 movie kept that aspect. Calling it "comic-y" is not an insult, it's just saying it has similar aspects to the comic books. The modern movies attempted to remove the comic book aspects and place batman in a real world. Now of course, it's not 100% realistic, but how could it be? If it was 100% realistic it wouldn't be interesting, now would it? You just don't like the style of the newer ones. Yes, they are big budget blockbusters, but yes, they are good. The actors all give great performances, the director is highly skilled, it's well paced (at least I think so) but since you don't like the style of it, you go and slam those things. I'm not trying to discredit your opinion of preferring the original movie series (not the tv series + movie) to the more modern ones, but you're just going about expressing it all wrong.

I think the Dark Knight is a comically incorrect assumption on what a Batman movie is and should be. It is yet another group of talentless modern directors who pull the pants down on a good and healthy movie series and butt rapes it until it has lost all soul and entertainment and is just a huge puddle of sticky special effects and cheesy and cliche'd storylines.

It starts off okay, you're expressing yourself, but then you go on to basically slap everybody who really enjoys the movies in the face.

Compare these two pictures

Maybe the burnt face effect in the dark knight isn't the best, but it fits the more realistic approach of the movie.

or maybe this is a better pic


They're differently styled jokers for completely differently styled movies. Your dislike of the style of the Dark Knight doesn't make it a bad movie, maybe it makes it unenjoyable to you (there's a difference) and it certainly doesn't make the director and actors talentless.

And please, say something other than "hurr hurr durr thats liek ur opinion lawl"

05-11-2011, 02:19 PM
Epsilon is spot on....the character of the joker was more sinister and less of a 'joke', the fact that the dark knight was more realistic meant it appealed to me way more than the older movies

05-11-2011, 02:22 PM
And please, say something other than "hurr hurr durr thats liek ur opinion lawl"

^ I'll just ignore the incredibly insulting sentence that I see above, and say what I was gonna say after writing a 651 words long essay on why the above sentence makes you a complete ***hole, which I have decided to delete cause it honestly didn't serve any purpose.

Okay, how about I round it up with this...cause in the end, argueing on what batman movie was better truely doesn't matter much.

So what if I just say:

I think TDK sucks

I think the actors suck

I think the director sucks

I think the modern and so called 'improved' aspect that has been added to the batman movies by TDK are uncalled for, and don't fit in a movie that is, yes, based on a comic book. Why should you exactly differ from a style that was fine just the way it was...Okay, so let's say the 1980s movies were comic-y...well guess what, as everyone seems to point out but don't give a **** about, Batman is, was, will always be a comic book, and not a crappy modernized action spazzing car chase movie where people seem to try to prove that anything in the movie is real...The word "almost" does not translate into real, atleast not in the universally agreed upon dictionary.

I think your opinions are ill placed and are just an opinion placed by what other people think.

You think the complete opposite of what I think. No need to even respond in that way, I know it's just gonna be yet another attempt at pointing out why I am wrong, and you are right, when I feel that I am right, and you are wrong.

So let's just simply agree to disagree on this 1 matter, which by the way is honestly not important, and I have no idea how it lasted this long(lol)

Leave the bad parts behind, and let's wait for a thread where it's easy to say that we all agree.

05-11-2011, 02:25 PM
i think everyone deserves applause for keeping this thread alive to 4 pages.....heres to 4 more >cheers<

05-11-2011, 02:31 PM
I'm looking at the movie objectively. OBJECTIVELY, do you know what that means?

Let me put it this way


I hate the song, hate this style of music....but my god are they good at their instruments. Their musical style I dislike though. You dislike a modernized version of batman, we get that. But I don't know how you can say that their performances are bad, or that for what it is it isn't well-made. OOOOH, it's not realistic. I guess Jaws sucks because you can't actually throw a compressed air can in a shark's mouth and shoot it, causing the shark to explode into a million pieces. The whole point of the movie is to add a more "realistic" and gritty aspect to the movie. Nobody is saying that they're improving it, they're just doing it differently, and I think they did a good job doing it differently. But since you don't want batman to be cast in this light, you think every aspect of it is bad. I'm not even stating my opinion on it, i'm pointing out the flaws in your argument. I'm not even trying to change your opinion. The way you're expressing your opinion is basically this:

"I didn't like the movie, therefore everybody in it has no talent and can't do anything right."

Express it differently. Maybe like this:

"I didn't enjoy the movie, I didn't like how the director handled it, I don't care for the way the actors portrayed the characters, I don't like etc"

Personally, I think the movie is really convoluted, but I still enjoyed it and I thought they did a great job putting it to screen, and don't see any other way it could have worked out. It's a difficult task to accomplish.

Or maybe, if you said some reasons why the performances were bad, your argument would have a bit more credibility, cuz right now you're just spewing bias all over the topic.

05-11-2011, 02:34 PM
movies are there to entertain so reality will be bent in places...but DK was still more realistic to the older movies ......period

05-11-2011, 02:34 PM
We should maybe close this thread before something bad happens.:(

Ilyich Valken
05-11-2011, 02:43 PM
Okay, so let's say the 1980s movies were comic-y...well guess what, as everyone seems to point out but don't give a **** about, Batman is, was, will always be a comic book, and not a crappy modernized action spazzing car chase movie

That's where you ARE actually wrong though. Comics as a whole, especially batman, have evolved greatly from how they were written in the 70's and 80's to today. They've taken on a seemingly more realistic, grittier approach to how the story is told. At the heart of it, Batman may still just be an action-heavy detective, but there is action, and a whole hell of a lot of it to be 100% honest.

Look at Venom. He's a blood thirsty, maniacal alien symbiote who will kill anyone who stands in his way, if given the chance. The Venom in Spider Man 3 didn't really reflect that, but that's partially because Spider Man 3 completely threw everything in the trilogy/mythos out the windows. That's a different story, though.

The point is, it's a movie. It's going to have some creative differences from the comics. Iron Man, the Incredible Hulk, and Thor weren't as comic-y and campy as the older Batman movies were, and they weren't exactly like the comics were.

That doesn't make them bad, they're just changing details to further suit the Marvel Universe on the big screen and help set up a quasi-believable setting to continue telling the character's stories (like with the Avengers) in.

That aside, almost every single post I've seen from you in this thread has been a "HOW DARE YOU! You don't agree with me opinion? You're wrong!" until someone says something about it. Go ahead, state your opinion. Just don't tout it as fact and as if no one else's matters.

No one has really completely said "You're wrong" until you started calling our explanations of why Batman Begins and The Dark Knight are so loved now compared to the older ones stupid or wrong.

And yes, if enough people agree that a certain actor or director or music is good, that's generally thought of to be a fact. Someone can be good at something, and still have people who don't like them. That doesn't make their talent any less important.

For example: Everyone touts Justin Bieber as a great musician, but talk to anyone who actually listens to well played/thought-out music and they would tell you he's not all that great, which has kind of become the general consensus to everyone but a good portion of early-mid teen girls and some other small groups.

05-11-2011, 02:48 PM
I don't care if you talk about the movies in a productive discussion about their differences, but the next person to insult someone else in this thread gets an infraction.

Don't provoke people. Talk about the movies in an objective standpoint (as many of you have been).

05-11-2011, 02:54 PM
I believe they havent taken a more realistic turn, only darker.(but yes some parts are MORE realistic than others)

05-11-2011, 02:57 PM
I don't even care if somebody doesn't like the movie. The thing that's bugging me is when somebody says that they don't like the movie, it automatically makes everybody involved have no talent. There are movies I don't like that are well made. Heck, I didn't enjoy Body of Lies, but that doesn't mean Ridley Scott is a bad director, or that leonardo dicaprio and russell crowe are bad actors.

05-11-2011, 03:00 PM
All actors can be in bad movies.
All directors can make bad movies.

That doesnt mean they are bad.

05-11-2011, 03:02 PM
All actors can be in bad movies.
All directors can make bad movies.

That doesnt mean they are bad.

David Fincher (helped) direct Alien 3, and that movie's kinda bad lol. At first I liked it but the more I watch it the more I realise it's not really good lol. But look at the other movies he's made.

05-11-2011, 03:13 PM
Jayhmmz...I don't consider my opinion a fact, wether it sounds like I do or not. I'm not stating it as a fact.

However, you are.

And Jayhmmz, you could say to me that its a fact that bean burritos sucks ass cause thats just what you think. That would not be a fact, that'd be your opinion.

I don't think Nolan is a good director, in fact I think he sucks, and that, to me, is a fact. Just like to you, he is a good director. That's a fact for you.

Wether he's a good or bad director is not universally agreed upon, some like him, some don't.


It is NOT a fact that he's a good actor.

So please stop claiming that your opinions are any more of a fact than mine are.

I know the damn difference between fact and opinion, and my comments are stating fact and not opinion, that Christopher Nolan is evidently a great director, and his films prove this, whether you like them or not.

You contradict yourself by saying that because you think Nolan is a bad director, to you, it's a fact. Well, it isn't a fact now, is it? Going on your theory any way...

To conclude, again... Just because you don't like Christopher Nolan's work doesn't make him a bad director, at all. He is a fantastic director, but his films aren't to everyone's tastes. But I cannot stress enough to you that the fact that you dislike his movies doesn't make him bad at his job, it just means that you don't enjoy his work.

The fact of the matter is, that Nolan is a very talented director, and you haven't seen enough of his work to make such false judgements.

05-11-2011, 06:11 PM
I'm done with this topic.

05-11-2011, 07:31 PM
I hate how people think that their opinion is fact in their own world. an opinion is a fact, unless it's like "my opinion of grass is that it's green"

I think death metal is stupid, but it doesn't mean death metal is a bad genre. I personally consider it to be a bad genre, but I don't go around saying "death metal sucks" because that claim is based on my opinion of music and I have no solid evidence to back up my claim.

Your opinion is that christopher nolan is a bad director. Your opinion is that batman should stay comic book-esque. your opinion is that the dark knight is a bad representation of batman. I however, think that nolan is a great director, and that it's a good version of batman. The fact that we both have extremely valid yet different opinions on whether a. christopher nolan is a good director and b. whether the dark knight is an acceptable adaptation of batman prevents there from being FACT involved. Fact is that christopher nolan made 2 movies based off the batman universe. FACT is that they made a lot of money and lots of people like them. FACT is that some people don't like them. OPINION is that it's a good movie. OPINION is that it's a bad movie.

09-30-2011, 01:18 PM
Honestly, I love them all for different reasons- both movies and "Batmans". Burtons Batman's are win and my favorite :P I do like Christian Bale as Batman, but the movies are just so dark... and he's just so *Grrrrrr* -__- I like there to be sublte hints of dark humor mixed in with seriousness, which Christopher Nolan's Batman movies just completely lack. However, I think personality-wise Nolan/Bale's Batman are def closer to the actual comic book then others.

10-03-2011, 04:18 PM
I voted Adam west, he was Batman when I was a kid, totally stupid but fun. They now do repeats on ITV4, great bit of nostalgia.

10-04-2011, 02:48 PM
Hahaha, totally forgot about Adam West. Old school Batman is the best because it's so ridiculous and awesome. Shark Repellant!

10-04-2011, 04:21 PM
Hahaha, totally forgot about Adam West. Old school Batman is the best because it's so ridiculous and awesome. Shark Repellant!

Yeah, I remember the shark alright, wasn't it hanging from his foot?

10-05-2011, 08:18 AM
Haha I dont remember :P Just that they had shark repellant, and it was ridiculous xD

10-05-2011, 05:57 PM
Strangely it was from a movie version they made, it was just as daft as the series. I always felt sorry for Adam West as he was terrible actor even in other things he did. The only time I think he was a decent actor was a month or so back when I saw in a film on the horror channel, perhaps he got better with age. However, back then when he was Batman he was one of my heroes.

10-06-2011, 08:45 AM
I don't necessarily think he's a bad actor... I think he just never got put into anything right for him. I enjoyed him as Batman, only because he was so ridiculous. IMO, he'd be better off doing comedies instead of serious things. He does do great voice acting though! He's great in Family Guy :)

10-06-2011, 12:15 PM
Screw Batman ! How about the villains ! Go Joker/s !

Voted for Mr.RageALot

Also a favorite villain is The Red Hood (Robin)

10-06-2011, 12:23 PM
Joker and Harley Quinn are always win :)

10-07-2011, 03:00 PM
For the bad guys it has to be the Joker everytime, he's just one wacked out dude.