View Full Version : Any new, interesting RPGs?

Candi Warhola
04-12-2011, 06:41 PM
Hey guys!

So I've been wanting to get back into RPGs. I've played Runescape, WOW, Maple, and LOL.

Any suggestions on which games I should try out next? Thanks!:laugh1:

04-12-2011, 07:39 PM
LoL is an RPG? oO

I used to play Mabinogi a lot... you could check it out if it interested you. Tried most free-to-play RPGs and am always disappointed... Rift is kind of boring and not worth a subscription in my opinion... and... yeah. Not a lot of good RPGs out lately. :|

04-12-2011, 08:01 PM
The term would be MMORPGs.

And if you want 1 MMORPG to try, take a look at my review on Aion Online in the game reviews tab in the header.

There're also:

Lord of the Rings Online
Warhammer Online
Everquest I & II

04-12-2011, 08:40 PM
Just you wait for Guild Wars 2!

Candi Warhola
04-12-2011, 08:47 PM
I actually haven't played Guild Wars before. Is it fun? Do I have to pay for it like WOW?

04-12-2011, 08:52 PM
Guild Wars is fun, but may be somewhat dated by now. I love it to pieces, and it's not pay-to-play. He's talking about Guild Wars 2, which will be coming out... eventually, and be amazingly awesome and the coolest game in the universe. :P But it won't be out for a while.

It also won't be pay-to-play. They do require an initial purchase, for the game itself, but no subscription.

04-12-2011, 08:54 PM
I actually haven't played Guild Wars before. Is it fun? Do I have to pay for it like WOW?

It's very fun :)
As Muffincat said, it's free to play!

Guild Wars is fun, but may be somewhat dated by now. I love it to pieces, and it's not pay-to-play. He's talking about Guild Wars 2, which will be coming out... eventually, and be amazingly awesome and the coolest game in the universe. :P But it won't be out for a while.

It also won't be pay-to-play. They do require an initial purchase, for the game itself, but no subscription.

Guild Wars 2 will be cash as ******, as they have spent ages on the game, like.. years! So it has to be good :D
To be fair, I think Guild Wars could still pass as a modern day game, as the graphics aren't actually that bad for an MMORPG, even now!

Candi Warhola
04-12-2011, 08:57 PM
Thanks, guys! You've been suuuper helpful!

What games are you guys playing right now? I really want something to play, and although Guild Wars 2 sounds really sick, I want to play something like right now. Haha!

04-12-2011, 08:58 PM
One game I used to enjoy is ROSE (Rush On Seven Episodes) - It's still out there somewhere and free.

I outgrew it, but maybe you'll like it.

04-12-2011, 08:59 PM
Thanks, guys! You've been suuuper helpful!

What games are you guys playing right now? I really want something to play, and although Guild Wars 2 sounds really sick, I want to play something like right now. Haha!

No problem at all :)
Well, at the moment, I'm playing the hell out of Crysis 2, Shogun 2: Total War and FIFA 11 :)

How about you?

Candi Warhola
04-12-2011, 09:07 PM
My friend just told me about Crysis 2! I was watching the gameplay on YouTube. Looks pretty sick. Is it like Black Ops?!

Oh, and I'll look into ROSE! :)

04-12-2011, 09:10 PM
My friend just told me about Crysis 2! I was watching the gameplay on YouTube. Looks pretty sick. Is it like Black Ops?!

It's not at all like Black Ops, it dominates Black Ops in every way!
If you have ever played Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare before, the multiplayer is very much like that, in the way that it's simple and fluid :) oh, and stable!

The campaign is something special though, the story is really good, and all of the aspects of the game as you play through it are just remarkable.

Here, read my review on it :)

Games Reviews And Random Banter, It's Full Of Win!: Crysis almighty! (http://jayhmmz.blogspot.com/2011/04/crysis-almighty.html)

04-12-2011, 10:41 PM
So are you looking for MMORPGs or any RPG in general? If the former then I'm no help, but the latter.. *cracks knuckles*

LoL is an RPG? oO

League of Legends :P

04-12-2011, 10:44 PM
League of Legends :P

No, no, I know what it is - I play it (Diligence109 is obsessed).

But... it's not really an RPG, is what I was getting after.

04-12-2011, 10:47 PM
No, no, I know what it is - I play it (Diligence109 is obsessed).

But... it's not really an RPG, is what I was getting after.

Ahh, gothca.

You're right, not really an RPG. Kind of an RTS/RPG hybrid.

04-12-2011, 10:50 PM
While LoL is technically an RPG (in the sense that you take on the role of a unique champion for the duration of the gameplay and there is a leveling mechanic familiar to the genre) I would classify it more readily as an RTS for what the heart of the gameplay boils down to. Very technically/specifically, it's a MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena).

Best bet for upcoming MMO is Guild Wars 2 as has already been stated in this thread. Also, as Muffincat points out, I am absolutely obsessed with LoL and if you ever want to play with me (which you should because the game is the best thing ever) you should add Dilinot on LoL :o

04-13-2011, 10:25 AM
Check out Allods online. It's a decent game, but it installs **** after you install D: delete Pando Media Player, run a spyware check then play. Worth the effort imo.

04-13-2011, 07:14 PM
LoL is an RPG? oO

I used to play Mabinogi a lot... you could check it out if it interested you. Tried most free-to-play RPGs and am always disappointed... Rift is kind of boring and not worth a subscription in my opinion... and... yeah. Not a lot of good RPGs out lately. :|

You must also have found WOW boring then. =P

But, rift will be F2P for this upcoming weekend if anyone wants to give it a try.

04-13-2011, 07:28 PM
You must also have found WOW boring then. =P

But, rift will be F2P for this upcoming weekend if anyone wants to give it a try.

WoW does get boring after a while, but at this point, you should be making MMORPGs that aren't WoW. Which Rift is not significantly different from, at all :/

04-29-2011, 12:42 AM
Lord of the rings online, is now free to play.

Quests and some stuff is item mall.