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05-12-2011, 12:57 PM
So whats everyones favourite characters?(my favourite is sivir)

05-12-2011, 01:11 PM
Moved your post to a thread of it's own to keep the two topics separated. We'll leave that one for people to post their in game names.

As for my favorite, I do best with Miss Fortune. I also like Caitlyn and Katarina. And Corki is cool too but haven't played with him much.

05-12-2011, 01:23 PM
I personally like Ryze, Ashe, Annie, Malhazar(I think).

05-12-2011, 01:54 PM
How good is this game - is it worth playing? I know it's a free game, but are you compelled to purchase anything in order to progress?

05-12-2011, 02:28 PM
Accually, you dont need to buy anything to progress. The most things you buy for real money is skins. Most things you can choose if you want to buy with real money or points that you earn in battle.

05-12-2011, 02:29 PM
How good is this game - is it worth playing? I know it's a free game, but are you compelled to purchase anything in order to progress?

IMO, It is worth playing (or at least trying). It's really fun if you can get together with a few friends and play.

You can spend money in game to unlock new champs or skins but you don't have to since they rotate which champs you can play without purchasing. And you can purchase them using points you get from playing games.

Even though I like the game, I don't see myself spending any money on it.

05-12-2011, 06:16 PM
Yeah, you really don't have to spend money to play it. You have to play a lot to unlock the champions, but should be able to find cheaper ones you like.

My favorite champions are Annie, Kog'Maw, Nasus, Nunu, and Zilean. Those ones are ones I've liked enough to unlock (and play the most). I also have a blast playing Caitlyn, Cassiopeia, Miss Fortune, Brand, Heimerdinger, Katarina, Olaf, Renekton... I have Akali, Shen, Rumble, and Poppy, and I like to play them, too, but am not very good with them. I'd like to pick up Veigar at some point. I played Nidalee a bit and she is a total blast, but I don't really play her/haven't unlocked her because she's Dili's favorite :P

I haven't gotten around to playing all of the champions yet, but I shall someday |:

SiC TwiSteD
05-12-2011, 07:51 PM
ive really wanted to try Kog'Maw but i do like renekton quite a bit

05-12-2011, 08:21 PM
People always be hatin' on Kog'Maw, but I <3 him so hard.

05-12-2011, 10:51 PM
I <3 Twitch, Nocturne, Nasus, Tristana and some others : P

SiC TwiSteD
05-15-2011, 03:19 PM
I just tried out Ashe and Caitlyn yesterday, and Ashe is a pretty solid character and Caitlyn was pretty fun, except she is a lot more of a support champion than anything else

05-15-2011, 04:26 PM
Caitlyn was pretty fun, except she is a lot more of a support champion than anything else

Caitlyn is an AD Carry, afaik. The only marginal support function I really see are her traps. Other than that she has two very long range offensive skills that scale with AD (her Q and R), her net (E) for positioning and a slow to help her stay in range to dish out damage even though she's squishy, a super nice auto-attack range, a passive that synergizes with AS, and some really high base AD.

I haven't tried her myself... I'm the worst carry this game has ever seen. For some reason I just can't do it... though I do enjoy trying with Kog'Maw and Twisted Fate. I got Vayne, too, and also enjoy sucking with her.

Muffin already pointed out my favorite is Nidalee (always will be <3). I really enjoy playing assassins (Kennen, Lee Sin, tried Nocturne while he was free and enjoyed it), don't mind tanking (Favorite is Galio, I play a decent Rammus), and am not really strong with many casters (played Lux a while back but I haven't dusted her off/gotten good with her, really want to get better with Cassiopeia). Oh, and I like to play Teemo. Who doesn't like playing Teemo?

I need to get better with supports (only have Soraka unlocked, love her! Have played Sona...) and can't jungle confidently with anyone yet.

There are plenty others I could mention but those are my favorites/works in progress for the moment!

05-15-2011, 05:52 PM
Yeah, I'm going to have to go "wuuuuuuuuuuuut" at Caitlyn being a support character o_O imo, Ashe would be more "supporty" than Caitlyn, if we're going to talk about carries being support...

Also, I've been playing more Akali and improving with her... she's fun ^^;

05-15-2011, 06:05 PM
I've carried with Caitlyn before. But her traps are definitely "supportish" - I lay them in bushes and tell teammates to walk over if they're being chased. But other than that, she's an awesome carry.

And I agree with muffin about Ashe being more support. His slow spells do so much that allows me to KS the crap out of her.

And I tried Malzahar a few days ago - my first game, for some reason, I was awesome. Got 10+ kills with a few deaths. Then the next 4, couldn't get even 5 kills together.

SiC TwiSteD
05-15-2011, 07:25 PM
i really want to play as Kog'Maw but i seem to always miss when he's free, Sona is so good though, basically just keep using her skills one after the other, and Lee Sin is a decent jungler based on what i saw him do to my friend and his whole team, i wanna try out Shaco as well but ive heard he is pretty tough to use

05-15-2011, 07:33 PM
Ryze, Veigar, and Jax. :)

05-15-2011, 08:00 PM
i really want to play as Kog'Maw but i seem to always miss when he's free, Sona is so good though, basically just keep using her skills one after the other, and Lee Sin is a decent jungler based on what i saw him do to my friend and his whole team, i wanna try out Shaco as well but ive heard he is pretty tough to use

I've never been teamed with a good Sona but always put against a Sona that always knows when to do her healing thing.

I tried lee sin too, was OK with him but never really good.

You should try Warwick. He's a good jungler. Played with him a bit when he was last free. Probably will try again next time. His ult is really good if you can jungle properly and get the right items.

SiC TwiSteD
05-15-2011, 08:08 PM
next time hes free and im on ill check him out, i know my friends really like warwick, and last night we were devising a plan to basically kill their nexus at any given moment, with pantheon using his ult to get to the base, shen teleporting to him, twisted fates ult going into the base, shaco going cloak and just walking in, and i couldnt remember the fifth player but they basically have a skill to just get right in as well, could be pulled off around level 11 and we just wanted to try it and see how funny it is and if it works

05-15-2011, 08:14 PM
Except you couldn't really, probably... because you can't attack the nexus until at least one inhibitor and the nexus turrets are gone... which is not going to happen by level 11 o.o You can't attack the nexus at all (it is invulnerable) until that point. And if one of the inhibitors spawns back up, it returns to being invulnerable until you open it again o.o

The only way it would work was if you guys were roflstomping anyway, and when it got to that point, any team could accomplish it so I think it would be kinda useless o.o

SiC TwiSteD
05-15-2011, 08:31 PM
yeah, it would still be fun to try out:)

05-15-2011, 10:00 PM
I'm sure it would :P

Just not sure if you knew that or not because I think it would be just as easy to completely feed the other team XD

05-16-2011, 12:39 PM
You all know(atleast most of you do)that I <3 Sivir and Ashe. They're both strong carriers in my opinion(Ashe more so than Sivir but Sivir is a master Minion killer tho!). I just cannot do ranged, I'm the worst tank this game has ever seen, and I'm not really that good as melee at all all around!

What I'm good at is carrying and support. Thanks to Dili I do a decent job supporting with my new favorite champion, Janna.

She's beast, although she does take some getting used to to play. Her spells rely tremendously on careful positioning of both yourself and enemies. It's not as easy as Sivir to just throw the glaive and run around to widen the area, nor as fast as Ashe. It takes time, but if you do it right, you can wreck face.

I sucked at being Janna at first, and deeply regretted buying her for the 1350 IP. But finally I decided to give her a decent try again. This time I was prepared, and I managed to rack up over 1.5 dusin kills, 1 death(at level 1), and many more assists. Now I am quite good with her as Dili has explained her role as support, and I am now capable of both saving friends who're getting hammered, and shove fleeing enemies back into a group of friends. In 1 fight after Dili explained it, I was the crowd favorite :) People argued who was to have me on top or bottom cause i pretty much fed kills to whomever I played with :p

Thanks Dili for showing me the ropes on that one, will need more help tonight for sure.

05-16-2011, 02:00 PM
I love playing with sivir, Shes about the only one I can play fairly good with. Nothing more fun than being alone in the enemy camp with hell of alot of minions and do the ulti. They fall like flies(teh enemy)

05-16-2011, 02:04 PM

carries* ;)

I just cannot do ranged, ... and I'm not really that good as melee at all all around!

I'm confused... Janna, Ashe, and Sivir are ranged and this statement logically implies that you can't play any character in the game effectively because everyone is either ranged or melee XD

Glad you're having fun with Janna! Enjoy being the goddess slut of assists (http://goo.gl/YhKdQ)!

05-22-2011, 02:54 PM
I'm loving shaco atm, and new hero vayne!

05-22-2011, 05:28 PM
Well a small update on my favorite characters!

Since I cracked and spent $50 on riot points :p I regret NOTHING!

My favorite champions in order:

#1: Evenlynn
My all time favorite character! She works out so perfectly for me(Even bought her shadow evelynn skin, as shown on pic). I guess I'm just really good at sneaking up on people, ripping them to shreads during stun, and sneaking away before help arrives, wether I killed them or not doesn't matter, I have a 5th ability, Paranoia :D Everyone is terrified that I'll be right there next to them, so everyone hangs at their turrets none stop!

#2: Sivir
Sivir is my 2nd most favorite! She's quite easy to play, and in end game levels she's a beast with her ult! If you have your entire team pushing 1 lane, and Sivir pops her ultimate, you can shove through almost anything for its duration, as everyone gets an attack speed buff! She also has tremendously good AoE capabilities, and they do huge amounts of damage!

#3: Ashe
Ashe's awesome cause she's an extremely strong carry! She is also quite strong in early levels, and has a powerful AoE effect from the first level! She lacks alittle in entertainment for me, cause she is pretty repetitive, and there really are very few good ways to play her. Lack of entertainment is an interest killer to me. I loved her for a while, but she gets old after said while too.

#4: Brand
Brand is one of the most destructive champions I've seen in a while! He has almost no utility(He has 1 stun that takes ALOT of practice to use right!), and no passives at all, but all of his spells are strictly destructive, and he levels insanely quickly, both EXP and gold wise. He is fun if you're in a bad mood and just want to slaughter people while risking the act of feeding them should you fail(get too close to a melee character and you're done, Brand is not good at escaping!)

#5: Vayne
Vayne is alittle hard for me to understand. I do okay with her most of the time, but she has ZERO AoE abilities, which makes it hard to level her up quickly, and getting gold. Once she gets there though, she's a champion killing machine, and has some of the most powerful ranged that I've seen! But it's a battle to get to the top levels, and some of the time you're doomed to lack behind the AoE champions, but once you get upthere, she's extremely fun to play! Not nearly as hard to play as people claim. Just get your head around her forward roll, and her passive spell, and get used to knocking people into walls with her 3rd ability, and you're good to go.

05-22-2011, 05:48 PM
I got Vayne too. She's tweaky... glass cannon that covers for her softness with high mobility.

stuff only interesting to LoLers:
I've had luck with her running 14/0/16, with improved Ghost/Flash. EDIT: I run AS reds, Armor yellows, MR blues, and MS quints

Open Boots and pots, lean on the pots to make your early game harass hurt even more because you can trade more of it.

Rush Sheen and enjoy your early/mid game dominance (like every Vayne ever) -> boots3

then build the rest situational as enemies demand and funds allow: zeal/phage/triforce, BV or Hexdrinker if you need MR, GA if you need LOTS of armor, Madred's Razors -> BR (should be enough armor for her in normal matches), Black Cleaver.

From there anything else is situational... I haven't found my favorite endgame items for her yet.

For advice on Vayne from better/more players than I: leagueoflegends: search results (http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/search?q=vayne)

05-22-2011, 06:00 PM
Thanks for this Dili :D Maybe once I get Vayne alittle more than I do now, she could be bumped up alittle :D

05-23-2011, 06:52 AM
Thanks for this Dili :D Maybe once I get Vayne alittle more than I do now, she could be bumped up alittle :D

I also love sivir, its nothing more fun than activating your ultimate and see your friends slaughter the opponents:p

05-23-2011, 11:45 PM
I also love sivir, its nothing more fun than activating your ultimate and see your friends slaughter the opponents:p

support champs are so much fun, but only as good as the people you're supporting ;)

Unless you're Janna. Janna wins games (http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/hh4im/guide_supporting_with_janna_literally_wins_games/).

05-24-2011, 07:00 PM
Katarina ! Linux she is MINE !!!

05-24-2011, 07:02 PM
Katarina ! Linux she is MINE !!!

You should find several champs to rotate around.

06-10-2011, 06:26 AM
My favourite is Nasus, as I just own everything with him. As soon as I put Fury of the Sands on, *****es run scared! That is probably why he is highly regarded as a great pushing force!

06-10-2011, 12:17 PM
Nasus is awesome. He was one of the first characters I picked up because he looked like such a badass :3

And his voice is so good :P

06-10-2011, 12:56 PM
Nasus is awesome. He was one of the first characters I picked up because he looked like such a badass :3

And his voice is so good :P

Exactly the reason why I chose him :P

06-10-2011, 02:25 PM
I'm taking a liking to Nunu and Garen....gonna try out more champions, though!

06-16-2011, 01:20 PM
I have never played the game, maybe I'll try it sometime.

06-16-2011, 01:22 PM
I have taken a big liking to Nunu, I also enjoy Brand, and I have my full list of favs somewhere on this thread for those who happen to care, lol :p! Ever since owning face with Nunus below zero ultimate or whatever, I've been picking him again and again! And Brand is so weak to begin with, and then at later levels he wrecks face with his epic AoE skillz!

06-16-2011, 04:09 PM
I have started loving Ashe, I love that when the enemy flees from us with only a fraction of health left I shoot a mighty ulti into the darkness and kills him. :p priceless:laugh1:

06-16-2011, 04:19 PM
I got Fiddlesticks, and he is awesome.

06-16-2011, 04:28 PM
Fiddlesticks, the violinless stick figure from hell who has a thing for crows!!!!!!!!

06-16-2011, 11:11 PM
Brand is easily my new favorite...Garen is almost tied though.

06-17-2011, 08:14 AM
Another successful night playing as Fiddlesticks. I fear, and then I'm all like CROWSTORM! COME AT ME BRO!

06-17-2011, 11:14 AM
I just rocked face with Evelynn today >.< I do not remember who it was, but I think someone from this forum taught me how to build evelynn more efficiently, and omfg does it work!!!

I stack as much AP and mana as I can, then I stealth and run up to a solo pusher and stun him, and spam hate spike, and as he runs away with me being twice as fast with my ulti going, I'm like "WHERE THE **** YOU GOIN!!?!?! I'M JUST GETTING STARTEEEED!!!!"

Seriously, A successful Evelynn with tons of AP can rival any carry class in damage output! Add the stealth and the epicly awesome ultimate to her arsenal, and I'd rather run the moment I see her :S Some people should've in my earlier fight XD

06-17-2011, 11:21 AM
I hate eve and her stealth....well...only when I'm against her.

And Dili probably gave you the advice on eve build.

06-17-2011, 11:25 AM
No I know it wasn't him, although it was him who said "this guy plays Eve regularly, and well too, I suggest you listen to what he has to say, Saph."

I cant remember WHO it was though...

06-17-2011, 02:50 PM
Ok I got a LOL story here.

Me and a few friends were playing LOL and one of the enemies was owning us, he had just built with attack speed and crit chance so he practically killed us under 1 second each time. The enemy team had much more kills (mostly thanks to him) and had destroyed almost all our towers while we almost hadnt touched theirs. Two of my friends just remembered that there where a item that made attackers take 20% damage by their own attacks and the critter didnt have much health. So we bought it and in his first attack his owns punches killed him, needless to say that after that we owned the enemy team and even got more kills.

I love that lol can take so many turns during a game, one second it looks like you will loose and all your towers are gone while there are enemy creeps in your base and suddenly you break through their defences and win.

06-17-2011, 08:14 PM
Ok I got a LOL story here.

Me and a few friends were playing LOL and one of the enemies was owning us, he had just built with attack speed and crit chance so he practically killed us under 1 second each time. The enemy team had much more kills (mostly thanks to him) and had destroyed almost all our towers while we almost hadnt touched theirs. Two of my friends just remembered that there where a item that made attackers take 20% damage by their own attacks and the critter didnt have much health. So we bought it and in his first attack his owns punches killed him, needless to say that after that we owned the enemy team and even got more kills.

I love that lol can take so many turns during a game, one second it looks like you will loose and all your towers are gone while there are enemy creeps in your base and suddenly you break through their defences and win.

Thornmail? I love that item. I usually grab it if the enemy team has an overpowered AD champ.

06-18-2011, 05:13 AM
I have another LoL story!!!!

It was about a month ago when I was pretty new in LoL, and we were pretty much 5 noobs against what appeared to be a premade, cause they were ALWAYS 2 steps ahead of us no matter what we did. We stood with 0 towers except one at our nexus, and 2/3 inhibitors were gone, and they were spawning super minions, they were 3-4 levels above all of us, and 1 was even level 18 while we were all stuck in the 14s, we had tried to surrender 4 times, and I had clicked no every time, cause there was just SOMETHING I wasn't seeing that could make us win, and my nooby brain JUST COULDNT SEE IT.

Finally I spotted it!!!! They were noobs too, who were just really fed, and had completely forgotten about their bottom! They had ignored a HUUUUGE pile of our minions owning theirs on bottom, so I snuck out and I went "I'm gonna push mid" and everyone were like "dude they're just gonna ambush you, duh", but I insisted and I went down and began beating down the turret that the minions had gotten to! Note that at this point our inhibitors had respawned, cause thankfully my team had in defense what they lacked in offense!

One turret down, and they still completely ignored bottom, all 5 of them were storming mid over and over again, and occasionally 1 guy would go up and level up on top, but he NEVER went bottom for some reason! And without another word, my entire team realized what I was trying to do, and before I knew it, all 5 of us were tearing through their bottom lane like a rocket. They lost all 3 towers on bottom before they realized what was going on, and by this point we managed to destroy an inhibitor, 1 turret, and 25% of their nexus' HP before we got killed and kicked out.

However the damage had been done, and as they frantically pushed mid again to get up and win, they again completely ignored the wave after wave of super minions going bottom, and while we were defending our base, with 50% hp left on our nexus, and 1 turret left, our horde of minions destroyed their COMPLETELY unguarded nexus XD I have never seen anyone QQ that badly after a 45 min long fight that they were 110% sure to win, only to completely fail on battlefield awareness and lose due to their own cocky tunnel vision XD

06-18-2011, 06:51 AM
I have come to the conclusion that me as Fiddlesticks, my mate as Jax and my other mate as Garen are an unbeatable force, for the time being.

06-18-2011, 07:49 AM
4 games played so far and my last game Miss Fortune kicks ass with 34 kills, 1 death and a whole lotta gun-toting action! shes my fav at present.

06-18-2011, 07:59 AM
Miss Fortune is a biatch to play against! The character I hate playing against most in Caitlyn.

06-18-2011, 08:43 AM
Switchblade what is your LoL name? add me, mine's Saphinator!

And yeah I agree with Jayhmmz, MF and Kate are both HORRIBLE to fight against just cause of their epic speed and range, ESPECIALLY kate has extreme range -.-

The one I REALLY hate to fight against though? If there's a skilled Evelynn....OR Twitch, Twitch is a ***** too -.-

Either way, Jayhmmz I guess you're playing on Europe servers?

06-18-2011, 09:44 AM
My LoL name is Sarevok
I tried adding you but to no avail.

06-18-2011, 11:06 AM
Miss Fortune is a biatch to play against! The character I hate playing against most in Caitlyn.

MF is my regular - I have a cool skin for her. Get Thornmail, you'll do a crapload of damage back. When I play with her or Caitlyn, I usually try to build 100% crit. Even with a 150 attack power, a 100% crit is dangerous with Infinity Edge, doing 250% damage :D Ask dili, he knows about my 3xInfinity edge build.

And over the past few days, I've been liking Cho'Gath. I just build AP and Magic pen. Feast (his ult) does a load of dmg to almost anyone since it ignores magic resistance. Yesterday I feasted on a Teemo 5 times - 2 hit kill each time once I got my ult.

06-18-2011, 11:09 AM
Either way, Jayhmmz I guess you're playing on Europe servers?

I am indeed mate, my name is epixx Jb

Get Thornmail, you'll do a crapload of damage back.

Cheers mate, I will give that a spin :)

06-18-2011, 01:03 PM
I am indeed mate, my name is epixx Jb

Damnit -.- im US and would lose my account if i xferred

06-18-2011, 01:05 PM
Damnit -.- im US and would lose my account if i xferred

can't you create another one for EU?

06-18-2011, 01:29 PM
can't you create another one for EU?

As long as the client has a separate email then it's possible!

06-18-2011, 04:29 PM
Actually I might just do that, although that'd mean that I'd have to install 2 clients onto 1 computer, won't that make Riot freak out or something? I know that for example Blizzard knows the instant you have 2 WoW clients installed on your computer(some stuff about them having the right to trace their property etc. etc. no problem there as long as they stay out of my personal files), and you can get perma banned for it. Wondering if Riot are the same way?

06-18-2011, 04:46 PM
Pff, i used to play WOW until i started getting emails 2 months after i stopped playing about trying to sell my account etc etc etc.
After many emails and verifications later theres still no break, and thus, 2 years later, no WOw played and yet at least 1 email per day blah blah blah.
And to be honest i don't think you'll have an issue there....i mean Riot?

And sorry for the change in post, was just replying.

06-18-2011, 05:31 PM
Yeah Riot aren't as tight as Blizz, so you'll be fine :)

06-19-2011, 11:48 PM
I hate eve and her stealth....well...only when I'm against her.

And Dili probably gave you the advice on eve build.

No I know it wasn't him, although it was him who said "this guy plays Eve regularly, and well too, I suggest you listen to what he has to say, Saph."

I cant remember WHO it was though...

it was my friend, SadMcSlapsABit. imo, AP eve is easier to play and more easily fits a team comp but AD eve has higher DPS and still has a kit that allows her to function as a powerful assassin even when she sacrifices the burst she gets from AP. Both are viable builds, though.

MF is my regular - I have a cool skin for her. Get Thornmail, you'll do a crapload of damage back. When I play with her or Caitlyn, I usually try to build 100% crit. Even with a 150 attack power, a 100% crit is dangerous with Infinity Edge, doing 250% damage :D Ask dili, he knows about my 3xInfinity edge build.

don't ever get more than one infinity edge, you can get that amount of AD and crit in ways that wont waste a ton of money on that unique passive :P Think Phantom Dancers, Black Cleaver, and/or Bloodthirster instead of stacking more IEs.

When building against a fed Caitlyn (or any AD carry), pick whatever best complements your team/build/champion: Thornmail (very situational, 2000g for one stat and only effective if you can sustain fire for some time to utilize the passive), Glacial Shroud/Frozen Heart (usually the caster's choice), Warden's Mail/Raduin's Omen (works with tanks/tanky DPS for the debuff to attackers and the active that requires positioning in the middle of the enemy team), or any item/set of items that bring some armor into your build, at the very least.

06-20-2011, 12:34 AM
i like: Orianna, Maokai, Akali. tho i play different characters depending on my team..
o btw i like Rammus too.. :P

01-28-2012, 08:28 PM
Tundra Hunter Warwick >:d

01-30-2012, 03:54 PM
My favorite has got to be Eve. Still sad she was nerfed to oblivion

01-30-2012, 11:52 PM
Sivir is my new favorite champ. Jumped into a dominion game, then a few SR games with her, and I can't stop playing her. SHE'S JUST SO FUN. And I think it's the first time I've every really played a carry.

01-31-2012, 12:45 AM
Sivir is freaking broke now, she destroyed me earlier, she hits so hard

02-01-2012, 12:28 PM
Are you talking about her Q?

02-01-2012, 03:19 PM
Every thing about her is pretty broke, her ult helps her whole team, spell shield is annoying if you're trying to chase her or target her first. Q does a lot of damage yet, but easy to dodge. Her E is nice for farming, and team fights, not as annoying as fiddles E though.

Not sure who my favorite is right now, I've been jungling a lot lately cause my team never wants too. I usually jungle with Fiddle, Olaf or Rammus depending on what the team means. I'd say Morgana or Kog are my favorite though, I like playing carries. Thinking of buying cass

02-01-2012, 03:51 PM
Every thing about her is pretty broke, her ult helps her whole team, spell shield is annoying if you're trying to chase her or target her first. Q does a lot of damage yet, but easy to dodge. Her E is nice for farming, and team fights, not as annoying as fiddles E though.

Not sure who my favorite is right now, I've been jungling a lot lately cause my team never wants too. I usually jungle with Fiddle, Olaf or Rammus depending on what the team means. I'd say Morgana or Kog are my favorite though, I like playing carries. Thinking of buying cass

You forgot about Prolaf

02-01-2012, 05:26 PM
Kog is my favorite carry. Love the range and being able to take out tanks.

02-01-2012, 05:57 PM
Sivir gor nerfed

02-01-2012, 06:03 PM
Did tryn get nerfed? :p

02-04-2012, 07:22 PM
I think urgot may be my new favorite for now, played him for the first time today. Went 17/9/16, but we lost. My team was pretty bad, got 3 triple kills near the end and almost came back in won.

So I played him again and went 19/5/24 and we dominated. Redid my build a little bit to give me more health and atk speed and definitely helped a lot. Going to have to buy him after he stops being free.

02-04-2012, 08:31 PM
Sivir gor nerfed

I know :(

Still has nasty pokes though which is nice.

Drank Turtle
02-17-2012, 11:13 AM
Gankplank forever