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View Full Version : Looking for a PC RPG

05-21-2011, 12:35 AM
Hey guys, I used to play WoW all the time, but I got tired of them screwing it up. So I am looking for a new/old RPG game for PC.

I'd prefer something that had an offline play, so I can play at work (single player) but online only is fine too cause I'd like something to do with other people. (So both online and offline play would be perfect)

I like playing Throne of Darkness, and Diablo II aside from WoW, so im looking for a game in that genre. I also dont really like running into walls all the time like I did in the first two games. So something with alot of land to roam around in would be nice.

I've been looking at Rift which looks similar to WoW and look fun, but does it have a single play offline mode?

Then I saw Fable III, but that doesnt look as fun.

Any suggestions?

05-21-2011, 04:39 AM
Ridt is like wow so you have to be online.

Oblivion (only offline)
Dragon age origins (very long offline game)
Knights of the old republic,mass effect

lords of the ring online(only online)

Maybe you should wait for diablo 3?

05-21-2011, 07:51 AM
Dragon Age: Origins, apparently! I've read a tonne of reviews, and there is hardly ever a bad word said about the game. I'm buying it as soon as I get paid :)

05-21-2011, 08:04 AM
Thanks guys. Have not heard about some of those games. I will look into them, especially the Dragon game.

05-21-2011, 08:41 AM
Eh Dragon Age in my opinion is not really a good RPG. For one it's not free roaming, and it's really poorly put together, but I guess most people don't mind that, I do though. I completed it with all of the DLC etc. cause I really liked it in the beginning, but the game gets boring really quickly, and its very repetitive and rarely does anything thrilling happen, it's just 1 dungeon run with your remote controlled team after another.

If you want a good RPG game, I would say you need to go for Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. That is by far the best RPG for the past what 3 years or more? No RPG lover has not tried Oblivion, I can assure you.

If you want MMORPGs, try World of Warcraft, great online only game.

Fable is good too.

05-21-2011, 08:54 AM
If you want MMORPGs, try World of Warcraft, great online only game.

If you paid attention to his post, then you will see that he has played a lot of World of Warcraft.

05-21-2011, 09:01 AM
I dont pay too much attention to anything today, we're in the process of selling everything we own and I'm just trying to get some rest and relaxation after getting up at 5am this morning getting ready.

So give me a damned break.

05-21-2011, 09:08 AM
Lol people are you all letting your personal feelings affect your professionalism here?

Anyway I have the perfect game that matches your description:

Fable 3

For PC. You can play it offline, almost all of it, and it has a Co-OP mode. Where you can play the whole game with a friend or a random person via matchmaking (GFWL, if this bothers you...) It's a relatively big game, good RPG, but kinda for twats as it's a game by Peter Monyleux xD

Still fun tho!

05-21-2011, 09:19 AM
I dont wanna wait for Diablo III, looks like a long wait.

I really loved warcraft, im just tired of blizzard messing with it.

Elders Scroll and Rift look like games I would enjoy.

But then Fable III has offline and online. This will be a tough decision for me. Perhaps I can find some demos?

Thanks alot guys.

05-21-2011, 09:53 AM
I dont pay too much attention to anything today, we're in the process of selling everything we own and I'm just trying to get some rest and relaxation after getting up at 5am this morning getting ready.

So give me a damned break.

I don't understand why I have to give you a break? Sure, you're having a bad day, but I didn't cause it. I was just pointing out that he had already played World of Warcraft a lot, seeing as the reason why he posted this thread is because he is sick of WoW.

Lol people are you all letting your personal feelings affect your professionalism here?

Wasn't me! I was just sayin'

05-21-2011, 12:01 PM
As far as I am aware, Rift does not have a single player mode. Also, I don't think it's the best game. I played it and... it's pretty and there are some quirky fun things with it, I guess, but I certainly wouldn't pay to play it. You should try it out to see if you like it, but I think it's severely lacking. It won't really offer you anything more than WoW did (like most MMOs).

You should try Guild Wars if you don't mind older games ;) I've been playing it again recently (I've had it since it first came out, have all the expansions etc... used to play a lot), and it really is a nice game. There's a ton to do, and it doesn't have "offline mode," but the only places that have other players in them are towns and outposts. You can recruit other people/friends in them, but when you leave the town, you're in your own instance with your party and there aren't other people. There are PVP areas and such where you can PVP if you like, but you could play the game entirely alone with heroes if you like. You could also party up with your friends :3 The world is incredibly vast with all of the expansions, and it's really incredibly awesome. The fact that I still enjoy it after starting playing like six years ago is pretty impressive. The level cap is at 20, because they wanted to focus on players' skills instead of mindlessly grinding levels like most MMOs.

If you don't want to bother with GW, you should absolutely get GW2 when it comes out :3

05-21-2011, 06:01 PM
Lol @ "Dont like the first?...well...try the sequel!!!"


Jk :p It's just funny though!

05-21-2011, 06:30 PM
Because the sequel is going to be an incredible feat of game design that revamps the rut that MMOs are stuck in and refuse to get out of? o-o

05-22-2011, 06:07 AM
Because the sequel is going to be an incredible feat of game design that revamps the rut that MMOs are stuck in and refuse to get out of? o-o

TRUE FACTS! I will be like a little kid when it comes to release day.

05-22-2011, 10:10 AM
Because the sequel is going to be an incredible feat of game design that revamps the rut that MMOs are stuck in and refuse to get out of? o-o

How many MMORPGs have claimed to do the same thing in the past?

I doubt this'll be any different.

05-22-2011, 11:22 AM
How many MMORPGs have claimed to do the same thing in the past?

I doubt this'll be any different.

I beg to differ. When it comes to Guild Wars, there is no room for pessimism.

05-22-2011, 12:13 PM
I beg to differ. When it comes to Guild Wars, there is no room for pessimism.

But also no room for false optimism. Stay realistic, a sequel usually means an opportunity for the developer to fk up a perfectly good game. In MOST cases,
and while I have faith in NCSoft(or whoever is making GW2), statistics show that a sequel usually messes up a great concept to appeal to the masses.

Of course games like Elder Scrolls and Witcher prove that there are exceptions to that rule, but it's a too vague hope to be optimistic here.

Personally I'm looking forward to seeing how GW2 is gonna turn out to be, never having personally played GW1, I found it quite lacking of... everything.

And I'm no fan of the "click and wait and spam skills until either one of you dies" combat system. It excludes the involvement of SKILL, and can be executed by any random C# or autoit script.
So while combat isn't a key factor in most MMOs, and GW has successfully removed the point of leveling up since anyone can reach cap in half a day...
well that's not really a game we're talking about here anymore. It still got WoW style grind for equipment... yay.

A real MMO by NCSoft called "Blade & Soul" is coming up sometime in the future, and that looks like something people should be looking forward to.


The main page is available in Korea, Japanese, Chinese, English, German and French so we can safely assume the game will be localized for those languages.

05-22-2011, 01:11 PM
You guys, good lord, read up on the game before you start bashing it and saying they're not going to offer anything new. They have a ton of articles about what they are doing with it, and they are doing some really awesome things.

And while sequels are often bad, GW2 looks like it is going to be very good. If you read even a little bit of what they are doing, you would understand that they are looking very analytically about what makes MMORPGs boring and static and attempting to change that. I have a huge GW2 thread with a ton of information and several articles, which talks about this a lot.

Also, Havoc, there's actually a lot of skill involved in Guild Wars when you get to higher areas... just because you feel it's not your type of game doesn't mean it's worthless. Most of the MMORPGs you have played have the same combat system... sometimes they just dress it up to pretend like they don't. There are a lot of interesting features that separates Guild Wars from other MMOs, and make it more enjoyable, in my opinion.

Also, Guild Wars is six years old and is STILL more innovative than most of the MMORPGs that are released today. Anyway... I keep up-to-date on the GW2 news, and what they are trying to accomplish is going to certainly be a landmark in the world of MMORPGs, even if they don't manage to deliver everything they're trying to implement. Still, I think it will be a really solid release.

05-22-2011, 02:23 PM
Many Wowers track down guild wars.
Many guild warers track down Wowers
I as a non mmo player track down all mmo,s.:p

Serious now, I have tried wow and killed my best friend, It was the first time I played higher than lv12 and kicked his ass. He have played over 2 years and yes my character is stronger but what it seemed like is that it took no skill to kill him. Even how different 2 characters is ot should be skill involved.

Im not saying that its not skill between 2 high level players(even if we were lv 80)
I want a mmo there the skill of the player is more crucial than the skill and powers of the character.

05-22-2011, 04:03 PM
I want a mmo there the skill of the player is more crucial than the skill and powers of the character.

This is essentially what GW and GW2 are trying to achieve, among other things.

I've read up on GW2 and a lot of what they say about it is really promising - looks like it'll help dispel a lot of the usual things that make MMOs a boring grindfest. GW has a very deep skill system and a low level cap to take the focus on getting better at the game away from grinding levels and into developing a unique combination of skills.

@Rooster - +1 for Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion :) it's a great game; I don't even like single player RPGs when I have the option to play multiplayer/online ones, but I dumped tons of hours into that game.

05-22-2011, 05:05 PM
You guys, good lord, read up on the game before you start bashing it and saying they're not going to offer anything new. They have a ton of articles about what they are doing with it, and they are doing some really awesome things.

And while sequels are often bad, GW2 looks like it is going to be very good. If you read even a little bit of what they are doing, you would understand that they are looking very analytically about what makes MMORPGs boring and static and attempting to change that. I have a huge GW2 thread with a ton of information and several articles, which talks about this a lot.

Also, Havoc, there's actually a lot of skill involved in Guild Wars when you get to higher areas... just because you feel it's not your type of game doesn't mean it's worthless. Most of the MMORPGs you have played have the same combat system... sometimes they just dress it up to pretend like they don't. There are a lot of interesting features that separates Guild Wars from other MMOs, and make it more enjoyable, in my opinion.

Also, Guild Wars is six years old and is STILL more innovative than most of the MMORPGs that are released today. Anyway... I keep up-to-date on the GW2 news, and what they are trying to accomplish is going to certainly be a landmark in the world of MMORPGs, even if they don't manage to deliver everything they're trying to implement. Still, I think it will be a really solid release.

First paragraph:

Muffin. In past MMOs, there have been many examples where MMORPGs have a long list of articles containing the things that they 'want' to do, but not what they actually do. I cannot count on 2 hands when there was a patch for an already existing MMO, or a new MMO altogether, which did not have a ton of new stuff, only to have several things taken out. I just don't think its worth getting excited about just cause a group of devs 'claim' that it'll happen. After several disappointments, I've gotten used to simply be indifferent until I'm sitting with my new MMORPG/freshly patched MMORPG and using the new features myself.
And I have read up on GW, I was a WoW player for 6 years and several times during those years wondered if GW would be a better choice? After what amounts to possible weeks of research, reading forums, reviews, gameplay videos on youtube and beginner guides, lore etc. I have decided that GW is(TO ME!)simply not as good a game as WoW is. But on the other hand, Guild Wars is free to play after you get the game, while WoW costs $14 per month, so needless to say, if you pay more, you get more, or atleast you should.

2nd Paragraph:

Again, I just don't think its worth getting excited and talking about how awesome it's gonna be before it's even out yet. How many times has it happened that a sequel of SOMETHING(game, movie, book, whatever)is released, and almost everyone except for the till-death-do-us-part fans, hate it? As was pointed out in an earlier post, there're exceptions, and who knows, maybe I'm mistaken, and GW2 will be fantastic, but it ALWAYS sucks to get your hopes smashed into a pit after it was reaching for the stars :( It REALLY sucks, and LotRO, Warhammer, and Aion are but 3 games that promissed the EXACT! same as GW2 is, but they fell waaay short of the milestone that they were aiming for.

3rd Paragraph:

I have read up on GW2 combat, and it actually does look really cool. That is all, I actually really do like how they're making the combat system, and I HOOOOPE they'll stick with it. If they did, I might actually try it for a while.

4th Paragraph:

GW is old, yes, but I wanna know why that, if GW is old and just fine the way it is, why they're deciding to make a sequel? If they made an expansion? That would sound great, but to me, a sequel doesn't sound like very convincing news for their success rate. Normally, a sequel is:

A last attempt at making money enough to cover the expenses(I think this is why sequels sometimes suck. They are most of the time lower budget, and therefor arent as solid as the original)

An act of greed, that the original was so good that they want more, and hurry through a sequel to get the money flowing in, but ends up hurting their income badly after getting the reputation of making a bad movie/making a bad game.

Again, Muffin, I am glad that you like GW as much as you do, but the fact of the matter is that Guild Wars 1&2 are not and will not be anywhere near perfection. Neither is WoW, but WoW is the worlds leading MMORPG for a reason, and GW is close behind it, and who knows, maybe GW2 WILL in fact overtake them, BUT, I've seen many games in the past yell at Blizzard up ahead to get out of their way, only to run out of gas, leaving Blizzard laughing while they remain on 1st place. It sucks, but it's how it is right now.

05-22-2011, 05:30 PM
First paragraph:

Muffin. In past MMOs, there have been many examples where MMORPGs have a long list of articles containing the things that they 'want' to do, but not what they actually do. I cannot count on 2 hands when there was a patch for an already existing MMO, or a new MMO altogether, which did not have a ton of new stuff, only to have several things taken out. I just don't think its worth getting excited about just cause a group of devs 'claim' that it'll happen. After several disappointments, I've gotten used to simply be indifferent until I'm sitting with my new MMORPG/freshly patched MMORPG and using the new features myself.

I know all of this already... but I don't think the sort of things that they are releasing articles, reviews, and gameplay footage about are fake.

And I have read up on GW, I was a WoW player for 6 years and several times during those years wondered if GW would be a better choice? After what amounts to possible weeks of research, reading forums, reviews, gameplay videos on youtube and beginner guides, lore etc. I have decided that GW is(TO ME!)simply not as good a game as WoW is. But on the other hand, Guild Wars is free to play after you get the game, while WoW costs $14 per month, so needless to say, if you pay more, you get more, or atleast you should.

This is flawed thinking, imo. Guild Wars is just as good a game as WoW (WoW just appeals to you more), and doesn't require a subscription fee. The developers of have been able to keep the game alive and fresh for six years... despite not having a subscription fee.

And I was talking about researching Guild Wars 2, not Guild Wars, as they are, as I said before, distinct entities.

2nd Paragraph:
Again, I just don't think its worth getting excited and talking about how awesome it's gonna be before it's even out yet. How many times has it happened that a sequel of SOMETHING(game, movie, book, whatever)is released, and almost everyone except for the till-death-do-us-part fans, hate it? As was pointed out in an earlier post, there're exceptions, and who knows, maybe I'm mistaken, and GW2 will be fantastic, but it ALWAYS sucks to get your hopes smashed into a pit after it was reaching for the stars :( It REALLY sucks, and LotRO, Warhammer, and Aion are but 3 games that promissed the EXACT! same as GW2 is, but they fell waaay short of the milestone that they were aiming for.

Oh, really? Give me articles of these games promising the EXACT SAME THINGS that Guild Wars 2 is o_O

GW is old, yes, but I wanna know why that, if GW is old and just fine the way it is, why they're deciding to make a sequel? If they made an expansion? That would sound great, but to me, a sequel doesn't sound like very convincing news for their success rate. Normally, a sequel is:

A last attempt at making money enough to cover the expenses(I think this is why sequels sometimes suck. They are most of the time lower budget, and therefor arent as solid as the original)

An act of greed, that the original was so good that they want more, and hurry through a sequel to get the money flowing in, but ends up hurting their income badly after getting the reputation of making a bad movie/making a bad game.

Again, Muffin, I am glad that you like GW as much as you do, but the fact of the matter is that Guild Wars 1&2 are not and will not be anywhere near perfection. Neither is WoW, but WoW is the worlds leading MMORPG for a reason, and GW is close behind it, and who knows, maybe GW2 WILL in fact overtake them, BUT, I've seen many games in the past yell at Blizzard up ahead to get out of their way, only to run out of gas, leaving Blizzard laughing while they remain on 1st place. It sucks, but it's how it is right now.

WoW keeps milking the exact same system for years upon years. Maybe other people want to do something different. They are making a new game, keeping Guild Wars (which is doing fine), and embarking on a new journey.

They are trying to create an entirely new system for gaming, which cannot be accomplished within Guild Wars. I don't see why you would discredit their efforts without even giving it a chance. Sure, it could be disappointing, but if they don't release the things they are showing that they are doing, then people won't buy their game. The fact that developers are even THINKING about the kinds of things that they are striving for in Guild Wars 2 is promising. None of the MMORPGs that you've mentioned were striving for things as radical as this.

I'm going to leave these links here:

Personal Story Overview | Guild Wars 2 (http://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/personal-stories/personal-story-overview/)
Dynamic Events Overview | Guild Wars 2 (http://guildwars2.com/en/the-game/dynamic-events/dynamic-events-overview/)
GuildWars: IncGamers IncGamers Guild Wars 2 Interview (http://guildwars.incgamers.com/blog/comments/guild_wars_2_interview/)

Their blog:

ArenaNet Blog (http://www.arena.net/blog/)

They are constantly having interviews, producing video evidence, and talking in-depth about their progress with the things they are working on. I highly doubt they are going to chuck it all out the window when release day comes and be like "OH LAWL JUST KIDDING WE'RE GOING TO GIVE YOU ANOTHER GENERIC MMORPG"

I'm sure some things may end up left by the wayside, but there is absolutely no reason not to get excited for its release. In fact, there is more to be excited for than not... as we actually have evidence to be excited for, while you are just assuming they won't deliver. If they don't, then that sucks, but it's probably still going to be an awesome game... and guess what? You won't have to waste $15 a month on it.

05-22-2011, 05:37 PM
Well I've already gotten into enough trouble when I join a heated debate, and I am in no hurry to try and change your mind, as you probably wont.

I'll just leave with this:

You don't like WoW, I do.

You like GW, I don't.

There really isn't anything else to say on the matter, other than those who like GW can try the sequel, those who arent sure can give it a try and decide for themselves, and those who do not like it one bit can ignore it all together and play what they like.

05-22-2011, 05:41 PM
I'm just saying that I don't think liking Guild Wars has much merit on if you will like Guild Wars 2 or not, and there really isn't any reason to hate on it before it even comes out, because, by all accounts, it looks like they are trying to make something really awesome.

Save the hate for if it comes out and does fail.

And I never said I didn't like WoW. It's just dated by now and we should be trying to progress into new kinds of games, instead of staying in the same rut, in my opinion.

05-22-2011, 05:58 PM
Well if you liked the original chances are that you'll like the sequel unless it's really REALLY bad!

I'm not hating on it, I even said in my post to please not take my post so negatively! I was just saying that getting excited before it's even out is just as lacking in reason as hating it before it comes out! If you're hating on it, and you're proven wrong, big deal, you don't like the game anyway. If you're excited about it you're proven wrong, actual big deal, as your hopes have just been crushed.
What I'm trying to say Muffin, is that I'm not hating on it at all, infact, some points of the game(i suppose we're still talking about GW2? I am atleast)that look really cool, and if the game is as good as they claim it'll be, I'll give it a try and play it with you for sure! BUT, I'm not gonna get my hopes up, as I'm tired of being let down.

And I'm not sure what you mean in an earlier post about me having to link something to prove that someone promissed the exact same as GW did? I think you might've misunderstood me, I was just saying that it wouldn't be the first time it happened, if GW2devs promise alot of new stuff, but instead of releasing 10 new features, only 2 are released, and 8 are scrapped. That's what I'm trying to say, I never meant to say that other games promissed the exact same features!(Am I misunderstanding YOU here, tho? :p)

And I agree, it does 'look' like they're making something awesome, but I won't get excited until it's actually released. And I'm STILL not hating on it with this Muffin.

Even if it does fail I won't hate on it, I'll just move on like I've done from all the other games in the past that I was excited about.

In my opinion Blizzard have succeeded quite efficiently in keeping WoW unique and fresh, just like GW has been kept fresh for 6 years, as have WoW for 7.
I don't think WoW is stuck in a rut, and I don't think WoW needs to get a sequel, as it would probably harm Blizzard more than benefit them. What would you do if you had worked on a game for 7 years, only to be told that it was all in vain cause now a new and improved sequel is out, which completely nullifies the value of all of your hard work? I bet you Muffin, that the VAST majority of the some 13 million people that play it, would probably leave, and Blizzard is, just like ALL OTHER game devs, all about money, and to them, it is not a good plan to make a sequel, since the original WoW game works great just the way it is, atleast according to the players!
I don't think it's fair to claim that WoW is to blame of this rut you're talking about, since all they did was to make a REALLY good game that MANY people agree is the best MMORPG in the world, and it would be a shame to change it(for example, as far as I know, the process of making ferraris has barely changed since they first started, since the method is pretty darned good already).

I think you should put the blame on the dusins of lesser MMORPGs who are trying the same thing over and over again, only to fail over and over again, creating the rut, by giving people the feel that all MMORPGs are the same because they decided to copy WoW in every way, instead of making something unique. THIS is where the rut comes from, not Blizzard, they just created a fantastic game that was revolutionary for the MMORPG industry, and it simply doesn't work to copy them, as several game devs have realized.

And I really do hope that you're right when you say that NCsoft have closed their eyes after their horrible failure with Aion Online, and will actually succeed this time! I hope they learned something from Aion, and use what they learned in GW2, and make it a unique game that could rival WoW. I truely hope so, as it would be nice to have another game on the shelves that're even remotely close to being unique in their own way, instead of just copying WoW like a copy/paste machine.

05-22-2011, 06:32 PM
Well if you liked the original chances are that you'll like the sequel unless it's really REALLY bad!

Yes, but I meant that, if you didn't like the original, that the sequel is going to be really different and just because you didn't like it doesn't mean you should not try it out :P

I'm not hating on it, I even said in my post to please not take my post so negatively! I was just saying that getting excited before it's even out is just as lacking in reason as hating it before it comes out! If you're hating on it, and you're proven wrong, big deal, you don't like the game anyway. If you're excited about it you're proven wrong, actual big deal, as your hopes have just been crushed.

I just feel like it's better to be optimistic... I'm not really going to care that much if they end up not releasing everything they said they would. I'm excited for the game, but... a video game isn't going to crush my dreams o_O But maybe that's just me.

And I'm not sure what you mean in an earlier post about me having to link something to prove that someone promissed the exact same as GW did? I think you might've misunderstood me, I was just saying that it wouldn't be the first time it happened, if GW2devs promise alot of new stuff, but instead of releasing 10 new features, only 2 are released, and 8 are scrapped. That's what I'm trying to say, I never meant to say that other games promissed the exact same features!(Am I misunderstanding YOU here, tho? :p)

I know that's what you were trying to say, but you said they were trying to do the "exact same things" - however, I don't think any of the games you are talking about had the level of depth and transparency that Arena Net is showing with Guild Wars 2, and so I don't think they are really comparable.

In my opinion Blizzard have succeeded quite efficiently in keeping WoW unique and fresh, just like GW has been kept fresh for 6 years, as have WoW for 7.
I don't think WoW is stuck in a rut, and I don't think WoW needs to get a sequel, as it would probably harm Blizzard more than benefit them. What would you do if you had worked on a game for 7 years, only to be told that it was all in vain cause now a new and improved sequel is out, which completely nullifies the value of all of your hard work? I bet you Muffin, that the VAST majority of the some 13 million people that play it, would probably leave, and Blizzard is, just like ALL OTHER game devs, all about money, and to them, it is not a good plan to make a sequel, since the original WoW game works great just the way it is, atleast according to the players!
I don't think it's fair to claim that WoW is to blame of this rut you're talking about, since all they did was to make a REALLY good game that MANY people agree is the best MMORPG in the world, and it would be a shame to change it(for example, as far as I know, the process of making ferraris has barely changed since they first started, since the method is pretty darned good already).

I think you should put the blame on the dusins of lesser MMORPGs who are trying the same thing over and over again, only to fail over and over again, creating the rut, by giving people the feel that all MMORPGs are the same because they decided to copy WoW in every way, instead of making something unique. THIS is where the rut comes from, not Blizzard, they just created a fantastic game that was revolutionary for the MMORPG industry, and it simply doesn't work to copy them, as several game devs have realized..

Then why did you quit WoW? And why do so many people quit WoW once they've gotten to max level on several characters and are like "well...yep"? I think it gets stale, and I think people are tired of MMORPGs like WoW. WoW did it really well, and I am not saying they didn't, but... it gets boring. They aren't doing anything radically different to their game, and they're not trying to break the boundaries that they have. Which is fine for them, but that's not what I am looking for - and it's not what a lot of people are looking for. And I think a lot of people continue playing WoW just because they have spent a bunch of money on it and feel like they need to keep playing.

And Guild Wars is still going to be valid when the sequel is out. They have incentives for doing certain tasks in Guild Wars to unlock other things in Guild Wars 2, which will still be available to do when GW2 is released. That will at least add SOME replay value to it, but there's more than that, anyway.

I just don't think you have good reason to be so negative about it...

Anyway, enough derailing of this thread. Also, please stop misspelling "dozens" ;_;

05-22-2011, 09:29 PM
OMG Grammar police :p Jk, my bad, but you have to admit, for a Danish guy I am pretty damned good at english!

Furthermore, I agree we should probably end this debate now before it stretches too long, but let me just answer your question about why I quit WoW.

It's quite personal really, but its fine, I threw the personal card out the window with my VERY first post in the new gamers section :p

I have been horribly addicted to WoW since the first hour I played. For 6 years WoW was my life, and I only took breaks when I absolutely had to. It made me good at it, yes, I was a very accomplished raider, and there is not a raid in WoW that I have not completed multiple times.

However, after my wife stopped playing WoW she began to notice my obsession, and she began to get worried about me. I would hear nothing of it, and it almost tore my entire family apart. I finally opened my eyes and saw the carnage that the game had caused my life, and I realized that I was way too keen on diving headlong into WoW without thinking about the affects it had on my life and the people around me.

So I quit, cold turkey, just like that, sat with the shakes infront of the monitor for months forcing myself to not play again, and I finally got over it.

Now I'm ready to get back to WoW. I feel renewed, and my obsession with the game is virtually none existant, and I'm willing to give it another shot in a few months.

So, that's why I quit WoW, cause I damned well had to.

05-23-2011, 06:49 AM
I am excited in GW2 as in The old republic. I know that almost every mmo released say that they are the wow slayer but end up as a unfinished(warhammer) grindpartying(aion) copy of wow(Rift) with only a few differences.

I will wait for reviews and stuff before I plan on getting a mmo cause just so many things can go wrong.

@ saph, I think that wow has been so succesful because they where first with that kind. Many mmo,s just copied their controls instead of making new ones. Now wow have been out for over 5 years and is very sharpened. If a new mmo emerges people will compare wow today and the new game. The thing is that wow have had over 5 years of sharpening the product to its finest while the other game just begun and will contain more bugs and problems. Rift had almost no bugs for a mmo and that can be its savior.

05-23-2011, 09:52 AM
@Paec: I know, they have actually had closer to 7 years, and not 5 :)

But still, take for example GW. Muffin pointed out that it has been around for 5(or 6?)years, and as such it has had plenty of time to sharpen itself as well.

WoW is still older though, but WoW was not the VERY first game to do what it did.

Everquest I came before WoW, and WoW did something that made it worthy of first place. Instead of just copying everything EQ and adding little unimportant features of its own to 'get a unique feel', it took the pricipals of EQ and made it better by almost eliminating loading screens completely, rather than having one everytime you go through a door(as EQ is)

EQ devs tried to top WoW again with EQ2, which is a REALLY good game(some few things suck, such as the requirement for hours long grinding), but EQ2 is all together a good game, but still, they didnt get up to the milestone WoW had set.

In my opinion, WoW did what countless other games have tried to do, and they succeeded where countless failed.

But eventhough WoW stole the crown from EQ and EQ2, it is without a doubt going to happen that another game will eventually think the same way about WoW as WoW did with EQ2 7-8 years ago. At some point someone will find the secret ingredient and make a better MMORPG than WoW is. A king never rules forever.

05-23-2011, 10:06 AM
You know, theres a chance that the game that will defeat wow might be another blizzard game. They are working on a mmo as you probably heard. They know how wow works and the strenghts and weaks while also got veterans to the mmo type of games.

05-23-2011, 10:14 AM
Its very likely that you're right, yes.

Yet again somebody has decided to negative rep me.

You know what, you suck, and you can from here on out give me all the neg rep you want to, I know when I have a right to my opinion without getting called out on it. I have done nothing but stay on the level of heated debates that Muffin is on, I see absolutely no difference between how I behaved, and how she behaved, so if you wanna make your little -rep fest as fair as you claim a forum should be, then you should in all aspects give Muffin negative rep as well, cause all we did was debate video games. What else is this forum about exactly? To talk about video games?

So whoever you are, I'm sorry if it upsets you when I say that your opinion is meaningless to me.

05-23-2011, 02:30 PM
Yet again somebody has decided to negative rep me.

You know what, you suck, and you can from here on out give me all the neg rep you want to, I know when I have a right to my opinion without getting called out on it. I have done nothing but stay on the level of heated debates that Muffin is on, I see absolutely no difference between how I behaved, and how she behaved, so if you wanna make your little -rep fest as fair as you claim a forum should be, then you should in all aspects give Muffin negative rep as well, cause all we did was debate video games. What else is this forum about exactly? To talk about video games?

So whoever you are, I'm sorry if it upsets you when I say that your opinion is meaningless to me.

If somebody keep -rep you, you know you can "talk" to the mods.

05-23-2011, 02:50 PM
Problem is I have no idea who does it.

05-23-2011, 03:18 PM
Problem is I have no idea who does it.

Im shore the mods know a way to see who it is, they dont even have to tell and if it is one person following just you they might do something about it. I say call the mods.

08-10-2011, 04:00 AM
Wow is good.... but it's really time consuming and affected my real life issues.

Mate, go try Runescape!!!

11-22-2011, 02:32 PM
Guild Wars...Prepare for one of the best releases of next year Guild Wars 2

11-23-2011, 07:38 AM
i may be a bit late but i prefer that you choose one of these list...

dc universe (big map to discover)
perfect world (same as above)

the elder scroll of skyrim
fable III
dragon age 2

those are the best in my opinion and to help you make a change from WoW games like =)

12-10-2011, 05:25 PM
The Witcher. Dark, awesome, and dirty. :P

12-30-2011, 01:03 AM
I recommend Tita Quest

12-30-2011, 10:53 AM
Also late, and totally brought to my attention via Spam.... but..

Witcher, DA: Origins or 2., SWTOR (addicted),Skyrim and I actually liked Fable 3.

01-07-2012, 06:32 AM
start playing ragnarok or rf online