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View Full Version : My New Call Of Duty Oppinion

08-28-2011, 10:18 PM
(CoD is Call of Duty)
Call Of Duty Black ops was my number one hated game of all time, despite the fact I never owned it.
I've come to realize the problem was NOT the storyline, or gameplay.
It was the PLAYERS, no, not because of camping and spawn killing.
It was because of their attitude, for example, as all of you know, camping is a HUGE complaint of most players.
BUT, playing solo multiplayer, you should notice that AIs also camp!
The whole community is out to blame even the devolopers for issues, to try to divert the fact that THEY SUCK AT FPS!
So, CoD is my new fourth favorite game.

08-28-2011, 11:16 PM
I agree that a lot of CoD players are complete morons, but let me get this straight.. You just realized that your dislike for a game you never played had nothing to do with story or gameplay? Quite the epiphany :P

08-28-2011, 11:23 PM
I forgot to mention I just bought it.
I played live with friends quite a bit, and hated it.

08-29-2011, 03:26 AM
(CoD is Call of Duty)
Call Of Duty Black ops was my number one hated game of all time, despite the fact I never owned it.

I forgot to mention I just bought it.


I only play Ground War, and wager matches (mostly gun game). No camping in either, except the odd domination match, but that's acceptable. More camping I found in Modern Warfare and in World at War...that was the worst gah. I hate playing just straight up Team Deathmatch/HQ/Search playlists anyhow due to either the game size or the rules (SnD spawning), and the mass amount of campers in those types. Keeps me away from it more, anyways. Fun booster busting in gun game, lol. Little kids don't think anyone else can't hear 'em just cause my mic is unplugged..

08-29-2011, 11:47 AM
I really hate the kind of people who feel they are too superior to play a team game as a member of a team and instead of following the objectives of the game they try to nuke the f*** out of it.....rant over

08-29-2011, 12:59 PM
I really hate the kind of people who feel they are too superior to play a team game as a member of a team and instead of following the objectives of the game they try to nuke the f*** out of it.....rant over

Need guys like this sometimes though. I'm like this, but without the attitude. Ninja, UAV Jammer, Suppressed weapon. Run around trying to get behind the other team and wipe them out while the team tries to cap objectives.

08-30-2011, 08:33 AM
Need guys like this sometimes though. I'm like this, but without the attitude. Ninja, UAV Jammer, Suppressed weapon. Run around trying to get behind the other team and wipe them out while the team tries to cap objectives.

you attack them from behind???....WE ARE TWINS

08-30-2011, 08:45 AM
Haha I am like that, I split from the team and pick off the opposing side one-by-one using my trusty Knife and silenced Pistol :) Perfect for head shots at close range

08-30-2011, 01:20 PM
Problem is that most players are like that. Split from the team, which makes them all trying to flank the enemy while the enemy does exactly the same. And then **** hits the fan and people start flaming one another.

Best thing you can do is stick with your team so you and 4-5 other people can just pick of the ones that split from the "team" one by one. Victory!

08-30-2011, 02:47 PM
Oh god I would love that a team played cod like in Arma, that would be fun.

a small team covering all sides, they shoot supressing fire when getting across dangerous places. They use real tactics more than just rushing.

08-31-2011, 03:27 AM
Problem is that most players are like that. Split from the team, which makes them all trying to flank the enemy while the enemy does exactly the same. And then **** hits the fan and people start flaming one another.

Best thing you can do is stick with your team so you and 4-5 other people can just pick of the ones that split from the "team" one by one. Victory!

if everyone played FPS like that, the world would be a better place

08-31-2011, 06:37 AM
I have such a good strategy, so I can just play solo.
The swampy kind of map, there's a room with a area to fit in, next to the door, with my spy plane I run forward, luring the person in the room, which now I am on a table, he runs in, and looks, can't see me at the regular height, and most can't get me before I stab them anyway, I have had 100.00 Ratios this way.

08-31-2011, 09:41 AM
I have such a good strategy, so I can just play solo.
The swampy kind of map, there's a room with a area to fit in, next to the door, with my spy plane I run forward, luring the person in the room, which now I am on a table, he runs in, and looks, can't see me at the regular height, and most can't get me before I stab them anyway, I have had 100.00 Ratios this way.


09-06-2011, 07:44 AM
i couldnt agree more, there absolute retards.::-)