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View Full Version : Review PC Review: Warhammer 40k Space Marine

09-12-2011, 10:29 AM
Because of the formatting and the location of the images, I won't be able to copy and paste my review from my website effectively enough onto the forum without some serious reconstruction to the way it's laid out.

So, to read my review, pop over to our website (http://game-craic.com/2011/09/pc-review-warhammer-40k-space-marine/) and feel free to leave some comments there, and be sure to start the comments rolling on this thread, too.

[Game Craic - PC Review: Warhammer 40k Space Marine (http://game-craic.com/2011/09/pc-review-warhammer-40k-space-marine/)]

09-12-2011, 10:55 AM
Heresy, Ultramarines!!!!!!! YOU NO PLAYING AS A BLOOD RAVEN!!!!

So the game is gears of warish and pretty repetive while its also linear.

Hm, just an innocent question, do you have a grudge against medal of honor 2010, cause there are many other games that are more linear? :P

Well its a good review and I love The 40K universe, just another question. Are there something like a leveling system in the game or how do you get new weapons/attacks?

09-12-2011, 11:16 AM
Heresy, Ultramarines!!!!!!! YOU NO PLAYING AS A BLOOD RAVEN!!!!

Blood Ravens aren't an original chapter :P

Hm, just an innocent question, do you have a grudge against medal of honor 2010, cause there are many other games that are more linear? :P

It was just on my mind whilst I was writing the review :)
No grudge.

Well its a good review and I love The 40K universe, just another question. Are there something like a leveling system in the game or how do you get new weapons/attacks?

Thank you very much!
There is no level system in the campaign, just within the multiplayer, as I've stated later in the article.

In the campaign there are no weapon unlocks either. You find your weapons on the floor, on a crate or in a capsule, just like a lot of other shooters :)
Again, weapon unlocks are available in the multiplayer, as stated.