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12-04-2011, 06:37 PM
What is the best spec for paladin??

I am Ret/holy

As Ret i outdps everyone and som holy i outheal everyone... why do anyone chose something else than pala ??

supersonic panda
01-08-2012, 07:33 PM
it depends on what you want to do. for pvp dps i would go ret. but holy has proven to be a reliable healer in arenas. plus they are so anoying to kill. they just kite you while casting instant heals lol.

01-24-2012, 11:00 PM
I don't know anything really about pvp other than I fracking hate it. I'm a ret/prot pally. I love ret pallys for DPS. I don't play my prot spec much, because I hate tanking but I do believe prot pallys when played correctly are the best tanks. As for the holy pallys, I don't like them. Maybe its because I'm biased and have a Disc Priest, but every holy pally I've had in dungeons, wasn't all that great. I really think pallys should be kept to DPS and Tanking. Just my personal experience/opinion.

03-29-2012, 02:38 PM
I hear ya Wownerdette .. I always hated PVP in Wow .. sure they make some changes to make it "fair" but all I know is I get slaughtered to death .. not really my role .. I have to agree with you on prot .. I have seen prot pallys do a wicked job

04-05-2012, 07:06 PM
I have seen some horrible pally healers in my days on WoW plus I never see any good pally dps. I have never rolled a pally though. And the only thing I hate in PvP is the damn pillars in the arena. After a certain team level everyone hugs them and I can't use ranged attacks as my hunter