View Full Version : Christmas Present from Riot

12-25-2011, 06:38 PM
If you're over level 6 and haven't been banned in the past 2 months you get 450 free riot points.

Definitely getting a skin, I have 540 at the moment, may spend another 5 dollars so I can the Teemo Bunny skin. It's that or just buy the Caterpillar Kog Maw Skin.

I love riot.

12-25-2011, 06:49 PM
Yeah I got mine earlier, I want that Teemo Astronaut skin...but it's so expensive.

I have enough for a skin now, not sure what to get. I've been playing Lux a lot but I don't like her skins too much. The Teemo and Blitz one I want are too expensive.

12-25-2011, 07:35 PM
I like Astro Teemo too, but I'm not buying a 20 dollar skin. Definitely not Blitzcrank is my favorite blitz skin.