View Full Version : Help Me Support this is you love GF

01-19-2012, 01:32 AM
What's up everybody?

Just wanted to make a suggestion that I think would be a great addition to GF.

I think that GF should make themselves an iPhone and/or Android App.
It would make it a lot easier to stay connected on GF especially on the go or while traveling.

I personally think it would be a great and innovative idea.

Post feedback to support the idea and see if we can get enough attention to make it happen.


01-19-2012, 01:52 AM
We just aren't big enough D:

I made a thread a few months back asking about a mobile version of the site, it was a no go :(

I believe there was a working thing that could make the site mobile but it was really buggy and wasn't gonna get considered until it was all fixed up.

01-19-2012, 03:30 AM
If anything I think the app would increase the size of the community because it would be a new way for people to be introduced to the site. And I'm pretty sure there's a site that offers an app service that meets the app regulations and has basic outlines to use for the building of the app. And I also think that there are plugins to make a site optimized for mobile if the app thing is not an option. I will do some research and try to come back with some references but i highly doubt that it's not possible.

In the mean time it would be great if we could get this thread out there to gain some more support.

Thanks for the reply btw.

01-19-2012, 06:28 AM
We just aren't big enough D:

I made a thread a few months back asking about a mobile version of the site, it was a no go :(

I believe there was a working thing that could make the site mobile but it was really buggy and wasn't gonna get considered until it was all fixed up.

They actually have a mobile version now made officially by vB called mobile suite, but the license costs almost $200 more than the current upgrade license.

Foof actually paid for the upgrade license but if we can generate another $200 somewhere in the next few weeks, I may be able to add the mobile suite to it too.

I remember your thread and this mobile thing has been out for a while, I just didn't know about it :( Haven't visited their site in a while when you asked because none of the modifications are on this site, so I never expected this.

edit: just read that the mobile suite isn't an owned license, requires yearly renewal. So that's discouraging.

01-19-2012, 11:53 AM
They actually have a mobile version now made officially by vB called mobile suite, but the license costs almost $200 more than the current upgrade license.

Foof actually paid for the upgrade license but if we can generate another $200 somewhere in the next few weeks, I may be able to add the mobile suite to it too.

I remember your thread and this mobile thing has been out for a while, I just didn't know about it :( Haven't visited their site in a while when you asked because none of the modifications are on this site, so I never expected this.

edit: just read that the mobile suite isn't an owned license, requires yearly renewal. So that's discouraging.

Wow that's crazy. Well let's hope some donations start pouring in. Wish I had a PayPal man, just don't wanna hook it up to my bank account. I'd never have a paycheck again..

01-19-2012, 05:04 PM
Wow that's crazy. Well let's hope some donations start pouring in. Wish I had a PayPal man, just don't wanna hook it up to my bank account. I'd never have a paycheck again..

It's fine, I was thinking of scratching the idea of the mobile app anyway, there may be a free version mod somewhere, will have to look for it. I don't want to pay so much for something and only have a handful of people use it, won't be worth it (especially since it's a yearly renewal).

Unless of course I win the lottery. Then we'll be set.

01-19-2012, 05:15 PM
Makin' that Deployment bank, lolol. Nice foof, nice. <3

I got 20 to the cause, if you can manage another 180.

01-19-2012, 05:17 PM
Makin' that Deployment bank, lolol. Nice foof, nice. <3

I got 20 to the cause, if you can manage another 180.

Thanks, but like I said, I'll be looking for an alternative, not sure if we should invest in something like that which requires a yearly renewal if only a few people will be using it.

Haven't made up my mind yet though. Will have to do some research.

01-19-2012, 05:57 PM
Oh, I didn't know the mobi was yearly. For that cost, that's ridiculous.

Once you load up, just use a skin that's mobi-ready for those who want to access via phone. They have them that cut out all the images and stuff, pre-made.

01-19-2012, 07:29 PM
I don't have a problem with the site on my phone. Luckily its formatted in a way that's still pretty easy to use. I'm on my phone right now :p

01-19-2012, 08:16 PM
When I used to have my Android, GF formatted differently. Like it had a specific format that all vBul boards do. It was fine on my phone. I liked it.

01-19-2012, 10:58 PM
There is an app available by name of Tapatalk.

There are two versions one paid the other free.

The paid version allows users to post etc.

The free version only allows you to read posts.

01-19-2012, 11:03 PM
There is an app available by name of Tapatalk.

There are two versions one paid the other free.

The paid version allows users to post etc.

The free version only allows you to read posts.

Thanks for that info, will check that out.

02-15-2012, 11:57 AM
We just aren't big enough D:

I made a thread a few months back asking about a mobile version of the site, it was a no go :(

I believe there was a working thing that could make the site mobile but it was really buggy and wasn't gonna get considered until it was all fixed up.

We're plenty big enough. And I just happen to be an App Developer who loves side projects. I'll see what I can wrangle up. ;)

02-18-2012, 04:06 PM
I think thats a good idea but the site isn't too bad on my phone so no big deal for me.

02-26-2012, 11:43 AM
Has anyone thought about Tapatalk?
I use tapatalk for other forums and it makes browsing forums a lot quicker..
according to what I've read, it's free to activate and supports vBulletin 3.6 to 4.x

02-26-2012, 06:38 PM
Has anyone thought about Tapatalk?
I use tapatalk for other forums and it makes browsing forums a lot quicker..
according to what I've read, it's free to activate and supports vBulletin 3.6 to 4.x

Ya a post up above talks about it :P