View Full Version : Vaygah.com

04-11-2012, 05:07 AM
Hey guys, Some of you, few however, may have seen my signature and happened to click on it and checked out my Glog (My term for Gaming Blog ..hehe), Vaygah.com. I'd like to welcome gamers to come along and become a member. I am working on a lot of new ideas and such for the site. One I have recently posted was a flash game I created, which some of you have taken the time to review (Thanks again!).

I have a new concern and interest in Let's Plays. For those of you who don't know what those are, it is basically a gaming video with commentary. I would like some feedback on the one's I have already posted on the site and also get some recommendations on which game I should try an LP on first. I have never personally made one, but I am looking forward to it :). My biggest dilemma, however, is which game to do it on.

So far, with the site being new and all, I have been rather limited in the content that I provide because .. well, I don't have many opinions on what people want to see. I only know of what I want to see! Lol :) So I would love to hear some feedback and hopefully entice others who like the content and provide more of what YOU want to see.

I appreciate all those who take the time to visit and leave feedback.

Thanks :)