View Full Version : New /old gamer info

04-19-2012, 07:28 AM
Hello to everyone,

Names Atrix and im new to this forum but not new to the gaming forums in generaly.
Been, passing throught a ****load of ****ty and half dead forums until i found one serious group of gamers on Reloaded Gaming.. dont know if ya heard for them or not. Anyway they are currently in stand by state so i move here. Temporarely or not im not really sure yet, it depends on how much im gonna like it here.

Might be good thing that i tell you my favorites game categories and those are:
1. RPG ( I just love them cant help it) and i love those guys from Bethesda Softwork
2. Strategy (RTS turn based strategy dosnt matter.)
3. Driving. (No need to point out some games.)
4. Action (but seriously im really picky about action games unless its on the level lika Assassin Creed or Hitman i doubt that will intrigue me)

Might add that i just recently opened a gaming blog with all sorts of game reviews, tips and trick for some games and such. Now since im new im not in liberty to post link to my blog yet cause i dont have 10 post yet but be sure that i will one i make 10 post.

Thank you everyone for taking a good amount of time to read my rambeling.

Wish you all the best.

Atrix Tussand.

04-19-2012, 08:10 AM
Welcome! Unless you came here just to advertise your blog ;)

This is a pretty awesome forum, just saying :D

What is your fav Strategy game?

04-19-2012, 09:04 AM
Well, acctualy there are two games wich by now would be counted as ancient history but, wath the hell im thinking on: Stronghold Crusaders, and Star Wars: Battlegrunds, oh and ANNO series. but most of all the games i just must say that Sim City 4 just concored my heart long time ago.

04-21-2012, 08:10 AM
Welcome to Gamers-Forum, Read the link to the Rules in my signature whenever you get a chance.