View Full Version : Hardcore Gaming Lifestyles of the Leveled and Achieved

Darth Meraj
09-27-2012, 07:42 PM
Hello everybody,

I'm Darth Meraj, as you might have already deducted and I'm a very hardcore gamer. Spending most of my days, relaxin', maxin', feeling all swoll as I level to 80. Currently playing Guild Wars 2, Torchlight 2, League of Legends, and hoping to upgrade from my 5 year old broke ass computer so I can play these new games like a real man.

I'm also a part of the LUGO Entertainment team, (Level Up/Game Over) and we have a strong standing on both YouTube and MMOsite. We also have a website but it's currently under construction to become something epic. I personally can't wait for it's launch so I can do tons of editing and content creation!

LUGO Entertainment is a small group of people dedicated to bringing other players the most sincere, unadulterated, gamer's perspective on today's gaming industry. If you are into that then follow along!

Thanks for your attention on my quick intro into who I am!

09-28-2012, 07:53 AM
Welcome to the site man, hope you enjoy your stay. Good luck with your website too!