View Full Version : Not Bots

12-22-2012, 02:25 PM
As I took a break from writing my final paper of the semester, I played some LoL with Brand. I was half distracted but somehow the team finished 29-2:


It wasn't as fun as I thought. The other team had good teamwork, I was jumped a few times by top and their jungle but they just couldn't hand anything on me, I always had my flash during their ganks or our jungler was nearby to help.

Game lasted 19:54. Just 6 seconds short of them surrendering.

I wish the game lasted longer so I didn't have to go back to this paper, oh well.

This reminds me of another post I made with this screenshot, 29-2 with graves:


12-22-2012, 11:26 PM
I play games like that all the time, but I'm the losing team :p. I really need to start no lifeing LOL.

12-23-2012, 02:47 AM
Look at Ashe, she got 3K gold but not a single item.

I had a pretty funny game some time ago. On my team we had two guys feeding the enemy(Mundo and Vi), funny enough the enemy also had two feeders.

Basicly enough in late game our mundo and Vi were useless, but two enemy players were also useless so basicly it turned into a 3vs 3 game.

12-23-2012, 10:12 AM
Look at Ashe, she got 3K gold but not a single item.

I had a pretty funny game some time ago. On my team we had two guys feeding the enemy(Mundo and Vi), funny enough the enemy also had two feeders.

Basicly enough in late game our mundo and Vi were useless, but two enemy players were also useless so basicly it turned into a 3vs 3 game.

Ashe and Mundo sold everything at the end because they were ready to surrender but never got there.

And I've had games like yours. They can be fun as long as it's even.

12-27-2012, 06:50 AM
Way to slay them like a boss. I love games where you just decimate the opponent at every encounter.

12-27-2012, 02:37 PM
Dat Ashe on that first screenshot lol they were either horrendous or trololololololing

Yeah I looked them all up on Lolking and I'd say they were trolling lol