View Full Version : My first support game

01-20-2013, 05:02 PM
Normallt I mostly play adc or ap caster. However in my last game both the adc as well as the mid(where I go with my apc often) as well as top was locked so I was forced to go support as Kayle. It was my first game playing as support ever. I didnt know anything about what to buyso it took some time having to read through all the info for each item. :p

It felt weird not killing anything or anyone.

01-20-2013, 09:02 PM
I normally don't like playing support but sometimes it's fun. One of my best is Blitzcrank. Pull into turret and he has so much cc. I've actually had games with 20+ kills as support-blitz with 20+ assists. Weird but once in a while you'll get a team that keeps falling for your grabs.

I just played a game as a support lux. 11 kills, 23 assists. I was semi-support actually, built a lot of AP items and a few defensive ones.

My other support champs in the past have been soraka, sona, and Nidalee (not so good with her as support).

Support can be fun :) try different ones, you can kick ass and support at the same time.

01-21-2013, 04:28 PM
I main support. Kayle's not a good one. When I support I like to rush a Philosopher's Stone for the gp5, this will generate you gold without killing minions to afford the wards that are a vital part of playing support. After that and my boots, I like to get a sightstone and then upgrade it to a ruby sightstone because its just free wards. Then, depending on the situation, I get the aura items. If we're winning the lane I like to get a Shurelyas Reverie for more mana and health regen and an active to speed us up to chase down more kills. If we're losing the lane or I'm playing more of a tank role I like to get an Aegis of the Legion and build it into a Runic Bulwark. After that I get a Locket of the Iron Solari because it's active gives everyone near you a shield. If the enemy team is ccing out adc really hard I get a Mikael's Crucible to remove all his debuffs and heal him. After that it's just filling in whatever we need but by this point the game is usually over.

01-22-2013, 02:23 AM
I main support. Kayle's not a good one. When I support I like to rush a Philosopher's Stone for the gp5, this will generate you gold without killing minions to afford the wards that are a vital part of playing support. After that and my boots, I like to get a sightstone and then upgrade it to a ruby sightstone because its just free wards. Then, depending on the situation, I get the aura items. If we're winning the lane I like to get a Shurelyas Reverie for more mana and health regen and an active to speed us up to chase down more kills. If we're losing the lane or I'm playing more of a tank role I like to get an Aegis of the Legion and build it into a Runic Bulwark. After that I get a Locket of the Iron Solari because it's active gives everyone near you a shield. If the enemy team is ccing out adc really hard I get a Mikael's Crucible to remove all his debuffs and heal him. After that it's just filling in whatever we need but by this point the game is usually over.

yeah I know Kayle isnt the best support, however she was the only one of my availible champions that I knew a bit how to play support with.

01-22-2013, 07:40 AM
I honestly hate support lol, it's definitely my last choice to play. Blitz is a fun support and I also enjoy nunu because he can be so aggressive with his snow balls.

01-22-2013, 08:38 AM
Morgana is fun to play support. Gives some good CC and that shield works wonders on the ADC. Takes the ADC from being squishy to being tanky and immune to most CC. Plus she becomes rather kill capable as the game progresses.

01-22-2013, 09:58 AM
Morgana is fun to play support. Gives some good CC and that shield works wonders on the ADC. Takes the ADC from being squishy to being tanky and immune to most CC. Plus she becomes rather kill capable as the game progresses.

I like Morgana but I have never played her like support.

01-22-2013, 10:27 AM
Morgana is fun to play support. Gives some good CC and that shield works wonders on the ADC. Takes the ADC from being squishy to being tanky and immune to most CC. Plus she becomes rather kill capable as the game progresses.

Yeah but the shield only blocks magic attacks. So any damage coming from the ADC is still going to land except maybe a few skills from select champions.

01-22-2013, 12:21 PM
Yeah but the shield only blocks magic attacks. So any damage coming from the ADC is still going to land except maybe a few skills from select champions.

True. She is, like any champ very situational. I'm always in draft pick so I grab morgana if I see an AP heavy enemy team. So far I've had pretty solid success with her and she never gets banned. She does great against people who try to carry with teemo.

I also grab zilean and blitzcrank. All very fun to play.

01-22-2013, 04:01 PM
My favorites are Sona and Lulu. Sona's ult is one of the biggest game changers in a big team fight and she also brings pretty decent poke with a Q followed by a Power Chord auto attack. Lulu is probably my favorite right now because she's got good cc with her W, strong poke with her Q, and she has a shield with her E which can also be cast on to opponents to give you vision on them, and if used correctly can help shut down a Talon or Twitch or any other stealth champion. Lulu also brings a life saving ult that can really change the tides of battle.

01-24-2013, 07:08 PM
Slightly late to the party but when I used to play League of Legends (and now whenever I play Heroes of Newerth) support was always my first choice. In my opinion supports win games, although supports in LoL generally seem to play a smaller role than in HoN

01-24-2013, 07:37 PM
You were obviously a bad support if you think support plays a small role. They generally determine who wins bottom lane by harassing the enemy adc and warding and helping out their own adc. And in team fights they play a vital role just because a majority of their items are actives and if they don't use them then they are useless. A support can either win or lose the game for you. Especially if they're a feeder.

01-24-2013, 08:36 PM
I am saying the role isn't as big as it is in Heroes of Newerth. The support's performance early game doesn't quite have as big of an impact as in HoN. In a lot of games you can usually tell who will win just by their supports, although I have seen some exceptions

01-24-2013, 09:36 PM
When was the last time you played LoL btw?

01-25-2013, 04:28 AM
It was before they remade the shop. About 4 months ago according to lolking.com. I am sure they added a bunch more active items. A few sound a lot like HoN items :p

01-25-2013, 06:24 AM
A good support is so important in this game. Makes me smile every time blitzcrank isn't banned (normals). Looking forward to finally doing ranked when my team is all up to 30.

01-25-2013, 08:13 AM
A good support is so important in this game. Makes me smile every time blitzcrank isn't banned (normals). Looking forward to finally doing ranked when my team is all up to 30.

If they know what they are doing zoning with support can be really effective, which I realised when I couldnt get close to the farm risking getting trapped and killed(I was alone bot, the other was afk) :(

(we lost the game)

01-25-2013, 10:13 AM
If they know what they are doing zoning with support can be really effective, which I realised when I couldnt get close to the farm risking getting trapped and killed(I was alone bot, the other was afk) :(

(we lost the game)

That really sucks. With some champs I LOVE soloing a lane 1v2 but some chanmps just don't stand a chance.

07-06-2013, 09:24 AM
I love Leona support. Pretty much one of the most aggressive supports in the game.
And the sunlight proc counts as your ADC's damage. ... Usually get a level 2 or 3 kill with an aggressive ADC.
Do try it out. I was a little afraid at first, because once you zenith blade in, you are kinda in the mix! haha
But fun nontheless!!!

07-06-2013, 11:42 PM
Leona is the most aggressive support in the game. I only play her if I'm with the ADC because otherwise they are never aggressive enough and I'm just hung out to dry.

07-07-2013, 09:46 AM
Haha, I know what you mean. Many times players don't want to commit in lane.. And when you charge in with Leona.. You end up ... dead.
But it can work wonders if the follow up is good.
I recommend Leona + Draven!