View Full Version : Xbox One or Playstation 4

07-23-2013, 11:28 PM
We had a thread for this already, but that was before any information was even released for the Xbox One.

So, has anyone decided which console they're getting, it's unlikely that either company's will be making any more big changes to their polices. So just a quick review about what each console has to offer as a reminder.

Xbox One: It will now be able to play used games, and will only need to be checked in online once in its life time to play. Consoles all come with a kinect, but they will always need to be on to use the console (correct me if I'm wrong on this)

PS4: Now has a fee to play games on the PSN, other than that pretty similar policy to the PS3.

As for me, I think I'm going PS4 this time around. Just taking a change from Microsoft, as are the majority of my friends. Plus most of the exclusives I feel I will enjoy more seem to be on the PS4.

What about everyone else, has anyone made the decision they plan on getting yet?

07-24-2013, 11:23 AM
Definitely making the switch to PS4. The only thing keeping me on Xbox is my friends, and Halo. Most are making the switch, or planning on switching over to Destiny when it's released. Seeing as it's cross-platform, everyone can still play together just fine. There's way more PS3 exclusives I'd rather be playing, and I can see that trend continuing in the future.

Sorry Microsoft, you've been fun!

07-25-2013, 03:27 PM
It's sad to say... but I think I may legit be done buying consoles and will mainly stick to PC gaming from here on out. If I get one, it will be the PS4.... but honestly, seems like a lot of money to waste for a couple exclusives :/

07-27-2013, 02:54 PM
I'm with Mizel on this one. Cause I still got a whole library to collect on the ps3 and 360, on the cheap. hopefully they'll keep making games for these consoles. I'll stick with mainly PC gaming for the current games coming out.

09-09-2013, 09:04 PM
neither.. i think i'll just try and stack marbles in the corner.. lol xD Isn't it obvious.. PS4 is gonna be sick!! :p

09-09-2013, 09:19 PM
It's sad to say... but I think I may legit be done buying consoles and will mainly stick to PC gaming from here on out. If I get one, it will be the PS4.... but honestly, seems like a lot of money to waste for a couple exclusives :/

I'm with her man. I mean I would go for ps4 but... I just got the ps3 like last year, so I'm beginning to develop my game library for that one. about 20 games and counting the digital ones... and its still growing too.
and I've been saving money for computer parts. future upgrades! yeah!

Scary Bob
09-16-2013, 02:01 AM
I plan to buy a PS4... or no more console. Depends how long it will take for GTA4 5 to go out on PC :).

10-17-2013, 01:55 PM
I love xbox 360 and even though so many people worldwide are getting ps4, I'm still getting xbox one.