View Full Version : Last ranked game of the season.

10-19-2013, 09:18 AM
So I generally play this game with friends and rarely solo Q. I was planning to go for gold and had really high mmr. I was gaining 30-35 lp per match. Then came 10 consecutive matches of AFK at which point I said screw it. I've revisited my gameplay and decided to learn to win 1v5. After a few weeks of constantly playing against plats and golds I've taken what I learned in to my MMR. Had to play 1 more to avoid decay. (For some reason my ranked 5s team always plays against plats and golds. Weird.)

Ah yes, that moment when Sona support zones ADC varus out the whole game and does more damage than him.1507

High bronze/Low silver doesn't stand a chance haha. This game did not exclude the AFK matches either. Lee was AFK for 7 minutes. Pretty pleased with the results.

Oh and I still got raged at by my ADC. Fortunately the rest of my team recognized I was carrying them and followed my instructions.

10-19-2013, 11:10 AM
Nice job. The number of assists tell the story of which team worked better together.

They extended Season 3 until 11/11/13. So I still have some more time for my last match. Don't know when that will be though.

10-21-2013, 06:42 AM
I decided just to be happy securing silver. Trying to climb the ranks is irritating and I've got a decent MMR right now. At least then I can start off the next season where I left off and start climbing earlier in the season. Pretty happy to see my practice and playstyle shift has made a difference though to end this season out.

You are correct about the team working together. The other team wasn't raging. I just zoned their ADC and support so bad they were useless. I kept wards everywhere so we knew where they were. At some point I told my team to focus everything they had on Jax and Zed and I would make sure they didn't die. They trusted my judgement and from that point forward we steamrolled to victory.

I saw the extension. I'm kinda ready for them to just let it end. I"m looking forward to the seasons 4 patches. Curious what they'll change.