View Full Version : Jax Build

10-25-2013, 07:27 AM
Hey I'm going to use jax for a while to get some points to get some new champs how should I build him?

10-25-2013, 08:02 AM
There are a few ways to approach Jax. The important thing to remember is his kit is really strong by itself. Attack speed is his friend so he benefits ALOT from BotRK. My build changes every game but I usually aim to rush BotRK and phage. Then I build Guinsoos Rageblade and finish trinity force. Then work in some HP and hextech gunblade.

Max R -> W -> Q -> E

Defense items are nice on him but generally you can get away with tons of hybrid damage. His ult gives you armor/MR from your AP and AD so you ult when you fight and you end up doing tons of nuke damage. Having ridiculous spellvamp and lifesteal, high attack speed so you proc your every 3 extra damage from your ult passive and you have 150+ armor/mr while ult is active.

My item order, like I said changes every game and the items aren't always the same but that is my general goal if I can get fed fast enough. It works great on twisted treeline. Needs more diversity in SR but still a decent concept to build from.

10-25-2013, 12:54 PM
Ajax, No Real Weapons Needed - Jax Guide for League of Legends on LolKing (http://www.lolking.net/guides/83390)

There is a good jax guide. Also that website has a lot of good guides for every champion.