View Full Version : K/D Ratio headache

12-08-2013, 06:07 PM
I'm really bad at math and I have a question about ratios in the games I play.

On COD Ghosts I currently have 6573 kills and 4817 deaths giving me a 1.37 K/D ratio.

Lets say from now till infinity, every game I play I get 10 kills and 10 deaths; will my K/D ratio drop and eventually even out to a 1.0? or will it never be any lower than 1.1?

What if from now till infinity I get 11 kills and 10 deaths, will my ratio continue to climb and will there ever be a point that it can go no further?

I'm all over the board but what i want to know is will i ever be able to hold a 2.0 as long as I continue to have at least 1 more kill than deaths?

12-08-2013, 11:22 PM
If you keep at a constant 10:10 you'll eventually end up at a 1.0 KD. Though it may take awhile, if you add 90,000 kills and death to each you will still be at 1.1 KD. Eventually you would end up at a 1.0 KD and never go lower as long as you kept your 10:10 KD ratio.

Since you currently have a 1.37 KD, and you went 11:10 every game from now your KD would eventually drop to 1.10 and never drop any lower as long as you kept your 11:10 KD ratio.

And yeah, 2.0 is hard to maintain. always have to keep above a 2 to 1 KD or it'll go down.

12-09-2013, 07:21 PM
2.0 K/D is insanely hard to keep

12-09-2013, 08:49 PM
Thanks, I guess for now I'll just aim to keep it where it is then, i'm to old to be keeping up with these 12 y/o gamers up all night on monster anyway.

12-10-2013, 10:54 AM
During MW3 I was so close to keeping a 2.0 KD. I got up to 1.96, but I could never get to 2.0. Then I realized that I was getting pissed at going 18-10 and it took a lot of fun out of the game so I stopped caring so much about it. It's down to a 1.7 something now, not that I even play it anymore.

At one point for TDM I had my kd around 2.1, but never my overall KD.

12-10-2013, 11:12 PM
I never played MW3, it looked fun but everyone just talked about how bad it was.
Lol I think I have a negative K/D is all the Call of Duty's I've played. I can't imagine having a 1.96

12-10-2013, 11:45 PM
I'm so bad at CoD its not even funny lol I remember I was excited when my K/D was like 1.01, I was like I AM GOD NOW! Then I saw Trunks was sitting at like 1.98 and I was like :(