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View Full Version : Need a Top Laner for Tonight 4/16

04-16-2014, 07:42 AM
A few friends of mine and I are getting our fives team going but as we all have busy schedules, often times 1 of us can't get on to join the group. We'd like to do a few placement matches tonight but our top laner is busy. If anyone wants to sub in let me know. We are starting at 7pm EST or possibly a little earlier if I get done with my errands early. We are not the super serious bunch that's gonna flip out if things don't go perfect. Just like the competition and play pretty well together. Probably won't be the last time we need a sub and top lane is the most likely position we'll need it for going forward. Maybe support at times too.

Currently our team consists of an unranked, 2 silver V, 1 Silver I and a Gold 1.

We've been using raidcall for comms. Up to you if you wanted to join us on that. We'll probably start with a warmup game.

Let me know if any of you folks want to join us.

Even if we don't get in to the ranked, having a fifth would be fantastic just for good matches.