View Full Version : Lost a car key at winco...

11-10-2007, 09:46 PM
So about an hour ago I went to winco to pick up some things for dinner. I did my shopping and left the store. When I got to the car I notice that I was missing a few keys off the key ring. I started to freak out but tried to calm myself down. I went into the store and ask if anyone had found a car key, no. I started walking around all the aisles I went down in the store and couldn't find it to save my life. I started to really freak out because it's not my car, it's my roommates. So, I called her, hoping that she would have a spare that she could bring me, again no. So I walked from the car back to the start over and over and over again. Also it's raining tonight and it's really dark because of daylight savings. So I was wet, cold and angry.

I didn't know what else to do, I didn't have the money that it would have taken to take a cab home so I just gave up and just sat on the car. All the cars around me are leaving and when the car RIGHT next to me pulls away I notice that the it was under the car. I picked up my key gone in the car and just freaked out.

Has this kind of thing ever happened to anyone. Just needed someone to listen.... sorry for venting.


11-10-2007, 10:25 PM
vent all you want, we'll listen - and ouch :( i hate it when something is right there and you're looking around and cant find it - if it makes u feel any better - i was locked out of my house once - i was in elementary school and my mom went to school to pick me up - i went home to surprise her lol, bad idea cuz my mom had already left - she couldn't find me there so she panicked and started calling my friends' moms lol, what do you know? Im not there - that took about 3 hrs - down the drain - i was in the 5th or 6th grade, dont remember

very fun