View Full Version : Check your mailbox (something cool should be inside)

11-12-2007, 02:30 AM

the mailbox spider: http://www.flickr.com/photos/86352240@N00/504622733/

11-12-2007, 02:31 AM
WOW how big is it compared to a penny?

11-12-2007, 03:10 AM
what is it on, a woven basket?

11-12-2007, 03:17 AM
looks like a woven basket yeah, so this thing is tiny, abit late to post aren't you? as summer is now over. in Britain we have this problem with Brazilian wandering spiders, they like to next in Bananas and sometimes get flown over in a box of bananas, they're an "ancient" type of spider which basically means their two front legs are infront of their fangs so they'll put their front legs up to try and bite you, they're also deadly. :)
Brazilian Wandering Spider:
There are at least five kinds of Brazilian wandering spiders, one of the world's most dangerous arachnids. At best, their venom can seriously sting; at worst, it can kill. In the wild, wandering spiders forego webs or burrows. They patrol the forest floor and trees, looking for prey such as insects and small lizards. But they are also known for infesting banana plantations -- so be careful if you see a spider peeking out from your bunch of bananas! They are not only extremely venomous but also very fast and aggressive, and won't hesitate to bite! Here, a female wandering spider guards her egg sac.

Since they're not well known especially in the UK, there's only one place in the whole country where you can get treated, that's at Cardiff University Hospital in Wales, luckily for me that's only about 45minutes journey away but you can die within an hour after being bitten.

11-12-2007, 06:45 AM
that guy lives in a *****ty area. he says he had a black widow spider right outside his front door. wtf!