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View Full Version : Adobe Photoshop CS2 resize??

11-24-2007, 06:44 AM
hey guys.. there are tonnes of pics that i like 2 use for my sigs but sometimes they are too small or too big... and i cant b bothered using 2 programs for this.. so is there anyway at all to resize pictures in phooshop???? if not ill just resize it else where... but if sum1 can help me out i would be ?ber-greatful :D

11-24-2007, 12:43 PM
lol i actually had to open up my photoshop to take a look cuz i won't remember without having it open

ok go to Image tab on top:

Image >> Image Size >> I suggest putting in Constrain proportions >> then change the settings on top

if you keep the proportions, it will remain even unless u dont want it to

you can also go to image then canvas size but it wont do anything to the pic, just the background canvas, people usually do this to make pop up art

good luck!