View Full Version : Priest and a bike

11-28-2007, 03:09 AM
There was this little town just outside of Amarillo that had it's own little church with it's own priest. The funny thing about this priest was that he never owned a car in his life, he always rode his bicycle. One I was walking down the road and I saw him on the other side doing the same. I yelled out at him I said, "Hey Priest. Why Ain't ya riding your bike?" He gave me a disheveled grin and walked across and he says, "You know, I think somebody up and stole my bike. I went outside this morning and it wasn't there. Though I like to think of the good in everyone so I'm hoping that maybe I left it somewhere. But I can't find it." I thought for a second and I said, "Well ya know. This sunday you should give a sermon on the ten commandments, and when you get to "thou shalt not steal" then you should really just, bear down on it. You know, make sure the whole stealing thing gets through. Maybe, who ever stole your bike will feel bad and bring it back." He looks at me and says, "That just might work, I think I'll try it!" So we went our seperate ways and that coming monday I saw him riding his bike, sure enough, right down the street and I hollered out to him, I says, "Hey Priest, looks like my idea worked didn't it?" He turned his bike around and came back to me and he says, "Well...not really." I was a bit confused so I asked, "Well, what do you mean? You're riding your bike aren't you?" He says, "Yeah, but when I was giving that lecture, I got to the part about "thou shalt not commit adultery" and remembered where I left my bike."

11-28-2007, 08:57 AM
haha nice, the whole thing threw me off and then the end brought it all in to make sense lol :-P

12-01-2007, 04:42 PM
hahah..omg silly preist

12-17-2007, 04:14 PM
Lol, pretty funny. I had to think for just a second, but I got it.:-P