View Full Version : Playstaion Portable

GF Eric
11-28-2007, 08:40 AM

The Play Station Portable (PSP) is a great gaming experience that allows you to play games on the go. The average battery life is about 10 to 12 hours. You can also play any UMD disk.

This system features so many things:
It has a Photo Album to store and view your pictures that you have taken on a digital camera. http://www.signaturebar.com/uploads/images/21952.gif
You can play any music format like MP3 and AAC. So you can rock on with your own personal music. All you need is a USB and a computer to add them on. http://www.signaturebar.com/uploads/images/21955.png
You can watch videos that you have downloaded or from the UMD's. They allow you to increase the volume, change the zoom, and skip chapters like a true DVD. http://www.signaturebar.com/uploads/images/21956.png
You can go online with the PSP system via a wireless airport. Here you can go and play online games or surf the internet using Opera as the web browser. http://www.signaturebar.com/uploads/images/21960.gifSo if you are looking for an all in one system that won't drain your pocket, pick up a PSP for $170.

New Features:
Themes - Now you can have your icons for your PSP Home menu changed with a quick download of a theme pack.


Online Radio - Now you can play music without having MP3's downloaded on your PSP system. With well over 50 different channels and Thousands of stations the possibilities are endless.


RSS Channels - Now a new file of RSS Channels can be supported on the PSP system.

Skype - Skype is an application that lets you make free* calls over the Internet to anyone else using Skype, anywhere in the world. Skype for the PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system has the following features:
Make calls to or receive calls from Skype users (free*)
Make calls to any phone (SkypeOut, a paid feature)
Receive calls from any phone (SkypeIn, a paid feature)
Send and receive voicemail (a paid feature in some cases)
*Applies only to calls made to other Skype users. For calls made to standard (landline or mobile) phones, you need to purchase Skype Credit in advance. Charges are
per minute, based on remaining credit. User is responsible for all Internet fees. For details about Skype, visit the Skype Web page (http://www.skype.com (http://www.skype.com/)).


I give the PSP a 10/10.

GF Eric
12-21-2007, 10:33 PM
Ok I added new stuff to the PSP review and it is better then before. Tell me what you think. I will continue to update this review so continue to watch this review in the future.

12-23-2007, 08:28 AM
Is a great reviews about PSP, is really a good one so I own PSP :P

12-23-2007, 09:49 PM
Great review, i love the psp and always will :D

01-15-2008, 06:30 PM
What about TV outpost or output what ever its called thats pretty cool.

01-15-2008, 06:48 PM
I'm getitng one

01-15-2008, 06:51 PM
I got the Jak and Daxter PSP when it came out very fun to use.;-)

01-16-2008, 08:39 PM
Eric do you have Vista on your PSP?

GF Eric
01-17-2008, 08:53 PM
What about TV outpost or output what ever its called thats pretty cool.

I will add that also.

I'm getitng one

Its worth it man.

Eric do you have Vista on your PSP?

I'm not sure. :mask:

01-20-2008, 07:35 PM
I much prefer the PSP to the DS, Besides Metroid Prime, Pheonix Wright and Advance Wars I didn't like the games.

I got the Jak and Daxter PSP when it came out very fun to use.;-)

Actualy it was just Daxter... Jak wasn't a playable character.

01-20-2008, 08:51 PM
I got a PSP with Driver: 76 and GTA:VCS.
It's the new slim & light.
The latest firmware allows you to listen to the radio via. WiFi.
Also in Japan you can use it to watch Televison with a small TV upgrade.
You can also use it as a mobile phone in the US.

and when you have hacked firmware on it you can probably put a light version of lunix or windows on it.

and can do so many other interesting things...

01-21-2008, 04:36 PM
I got a PSP with Driver: 76 and GTA:VCS.
It's the new slim & light.
The latest firmware allows you to listen to the radio via. WiFi.
Also in Japan you can use it to watch Televison with a small TV upgrade.
You can also use it as a mobile phone in the US.

and when you have hacked firmware on it you can probably put a light version of lunix or windows on it.

and can do so many other interesting things...

Yeah you can get telivision on it, so long as you don't mind watching it in Japanesse. The other problem with the PSP (And all other handhealds) is how easily broken they are. I have had to get my PSP Fixed twice and my DS once.

01-21-2008, 08:02 PM
that means you have to be careful with it.
What did you do to break it?

01-21-2008, 08:12 PM
that means you have to be careful with it.
What did you do to break it?

Well the first time I had no idea. It was something inside. And now the laser isn't working.

01-21-2008, 11:29 PM
I hear psp's are fairly strong.
What did you do to yours?

01-22-2008, 06:24 PM
I hear psp's are fairly strong.
What did you do to yours?

Nothing, I didn't drop it or throw it downstairs?.... Apparently the laser dies after a while on all of them too.

01-22-2008, 06:26 PM
I hear psp's are fairly strong.
What did you do to yours?

they are strong, i dropped mine plenty of times lol, and its still fully functional, although i dont use it anymore, gave it to my little sis

GF Eric
02-27-2008, 06:32 PM
Skype has been added to the PSP system. Read about it in the main post. Its really cool.

05-30-2010, 05:16 PM
I also love the PSP. I got to borrow one for a couple weeks and was blown away. I can't believe it even has internet access. It's awesome.