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View Full Version : Destroy All Humans

12-30-2007, 06:54 PM
This game is being reviewed for the XBOX system by Soulja Boy.


Graphics - 7/10

The graphics are not great. The characters aren't really well detailed, and most 'humans' look the same. Same with the buildings. The trees all look 2D, only the trunk of it looks 3D. (An example of the bad graphics) The graphics may be bad, but there are some things in it that give it that full 7/10. Like the design on the boss Roboprez, and the robots. They look.. 360 like graphics. Which is really well-done for Pandemic Studios. Overall, the graphics don't earn quite alot.


Story - 8/10

The story is pretty straight-forward. And.. well.. the title just gives it away. DESTROY ALL HUMANS. Yes, that is your mission, to Destroy All Humans. It is quite original, nothing big. Nothing special here, no plot twist, but there is one thing. Instead of launching a full scale attack for no reason (like some of those old Sci-Fi alien horror movies) there is a reason in this game. All for revenge, for Crypto-136. But then again, some stories do use it after lets say a rocket of theirs crashed and the humans seized it. So, nothing creative and abnormal here for the story.

Overall 7.5/10

The game is very fun. Although the graphics take away from it, the story is still pretty good. But the thing that put me into the position of giving money to the cashier for this game was all the fun stuff I heard about it. And trust me, it doesn't let you down. Destroy tanks, robots, humans, buildings. Disguise yourself as a human. Use a flying saucer, etc. This is a fun game, and doesn't get repetetive. If your all graphics, a rent is fine, if your all story, a rent is fine, but if you want FUN... BUY THIS GAME IMMEDIATELY.

Thanks for reading, Soulja Boy (soon to be renamed King PSP)

12-30-2007, 06:56 PM
yea i heard about the game, not that great imo, reminds of the movie Mars that came out decades ago lol, but i liked that movie - haven't had the pleasure of playing this one

good review - rep given

12-30-2007, 07:02 PM
Thank you LiNuX. I am actually honestly trying to bring back the Game Review section. Lots of people not posting. So I posted 2 reviews today. Fable:TLC and DAH. Reviews that are coming from me..

300:March to Glory
Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters
Rainbow Six: Vegas.

12-30-2007, 07:12 PM
yup thank you :D expect your reuptation to grow!

btw, this is not a new game, do you know when it came out?

12-30-2007, 07:21 PM
US Release Date: June 21 2005
EU Release Date: June 24 2005
US Platinum Hits: 2006

12-30-2007, 07:30 PM
yeah i thought so, pretty old game lol, I remember seeing the advertisements though, looked interesting and cool back then

12-30-2007, 11:44 PM
yeah i remember this game i think have it was fun making the cows float lol great review Soulja Boy oh and don't worry about people not posting reviews you can expect 4 reviews from me very soon

01-03-2008, 02:49 AM
Its a great game but gets boring quickly.

01-03-2008, 04:36 PM
I never got to finish Destroy all humans. My disk broke.

01-05-2008, 12:14 AM
What kind of game is this one? Destroy all humans wtf :)