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View Full Version : New Girl - bit nervous

01-08-2008, 11:21 AM

I am new to gaming but want to know what online games you think I should try. I have broadband but no consoles. If you think there is a particular console I should get, I'm open to suggestions.

My gaming experience is limited - my friend sent me a Highlander beheading game (I really like the films and this one is for the new one that is out). Has anyone else played it? I thought it was good but don't really know where to start looking for other games.

Thanks for any help :-)


01-08-2008, 11:24 AM
Welcome to the site, no I haven't played that game. For consoles I'd suggest looking at all the released and future games of each console and then base your decision from there, I personally am going for PS360 combo this gen as I feel that combo will lead to the most games that fit in with my tastes.

01-08-2008, 11:25 AM
hello gamegirl welcome to gamers forum- be sure to read the faqs and rules to avoid trouble and if u still have more questions don't hesitate to ask

as for the games - you can check out some of the game discussions going on around the board and see which one fits you - i can recomment guild wards or World of Warcraft if you don't mind paying for the game per month. but just check out the other threads and see which you like.

enjoy the forum!

01-12-2008, 12:17 PM
Welcome to the forum, most people we get here are already experienced with gaming. If you want to get a console, I'd recommend the Wii... but it has a lot of weird games to choose from so you mighht want to try The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess.

01-12-2008, 01:32 PM
Welcome! enjoy gamers.

01-24-2008, 10:28 PM
Welcome to the forum, GameGirl. There is no reason to be nervous.
There are so few female gamers out there (at least that I know) so it is always a pleasure to meet one.

01-24-2008, 10:33 PM
Welcome to Gamers-Forum but did I not see you here before anyway and why did you have -gfp?

01-25-2008, 09:10 AM
Why hallo thar GameGirl. If you're looking for a console, I myself would tell you to get a 360 for the shooter, strategy and RPG games, but it depends on your tastes. Wii is good if you're not a lazy bum like myself and don't mind a little workout, but the idea of how the Wii works is pretty cool. My friend told me Twilight Princess is good.

Oh, and welcome to the forum.

01-26-2008, 08:32 AM
Welcome to the forums! :)

www.GameSpot.com (http://www.gamespot.com) has all the newest game releases and stuff for all the consoles. I would suggest looking around there :)

01-27-2008, 01:44 PM
welcome hope you like it here

01-27-2008, 03:07 PM
Hey Game Girl!
I'm a girl too!
*does gender dance*

I'm not a gamer a such, probably no where as much as these guys, but I do enjoy my PC games, a lot more than I enjoy console games anyway.

Do you have any PC games?

My favourites would have to be Black and White (1 or 2), the Sims aaaand The Longest Journey (And the sequel)

As for online gaming, I'm a bit of a Fantasy Freak, but since I don't want to fork out my cash to greedy Blizzard, I don't play World of Warcraft.
I play AnthemRO.

What kind of things do you like?
Even if you haven't played many games before, you should really get a feel to what you'd lean towards in a game :)

Looking forward to seeing you around!