View Full Version : GF TeamSpeak Servers v1.2

02-28-2008, 04:40 PM
We are currently on version 1.2 after a minor update on the teamspeak server today which resulted in about a 30 minute downtime. The server is set to fit any one at all and with all the channels ready for occupancy.

The IP Address for our server is once again If you do no know how to connect, a thread explaining it all will go up soon.

Any time any one needs a private channel, you are free to open your own with your own password.

If anyone actually wants to rent a TeamSpeak server for a short period of time in exchange for GFP, the idea is open to that as well. The TS Server will be completely different than the current one with its own IP.

Stay tuned for more updates on the TeamSpeak servers - Help us get the GF Servers more popular!
