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View Full Version : Sign if you want Halo 4

03-06-2008, 04:09 PM
Topic title says it all.

Personally, I don't want it, but I do want to see Halo move onto different consoles.

03-06-2008, 04:27 PM
I so want 4 it gives us life. and the movie will be ok

03-06-2008, 04:30 PM
Honestly, I think it should stop at 3.

There are soooo many games and movies that are popular, and just keep spitting out so much crap. They're milking you for your money, and setting all standards way low. Know when to stop the series. )<

Plus the movies coming, I think it's a nice top off.

03-06-2008, 04:34 PM
Bungie should move onto new IP's

03-06-2008, 04:35 PM
Still If It was another game yes but halo is if not the best but one of the best games ever

GF Eric
03-06-2008, 04:35 PM
It stops at Halo 3. Answer me one question, who, what, when, where and how is there going to be a Halo 4.

03-06-2008, 04:48 PM
It stops at Halo 3. Answer me one question, who, what, when, where and how is there going to be a Halo 4.

The ending sort of left it open so that they could make a Halo 4 if they really wanted to.
It wouldn't necessarily be called Halo 4 though, the halo rings are ablitorated.
His floating 'station' could crash land into some unknown universe! Lol.

I think they should move on.
Put their efforts into some new games :]

03-06-2008, 04:57 PM
Ya I need to add more to what I said. There may not be a Halo 4 but there will be (MANY) Halo games to come out

GF Eric
03-06-2008, 05:16 PM
Don't get me wrong another Halo Game would rock, but it will not be number 4. If what is said is right, Bungie can make a Ghost of Onyx game. You as the Chief commanding the Spartan III's to attack the Sentinels on Onyx and what not. But its just an idea.

03-06-2008, 07:53 PM
Don't get me wrong another Halo Game would rock, but it will not be number 4. If what is said is right, Bungie can make a Ghost of Onyx game. You as the Chief commanding the Spartan III's to attack the Sentinels on Onyx and what not. But its just an idea.

That's what I'm saying :]
It would be like a spinoff from Halo.
Well, just the character anyways.
I would definitely play it.

03-06-2008, 09:37 PM
i've played the first 2 halo games online only - haven't played the story mode to even want a 4th version lol

03-19-2008, 10:35 AM
well they said it was a trilogy so i'm pretty sure that it is stopping at halo three. but they could make a halo spin off i guess but what else would they add? they pretty much have everything for online play. maybe if they just refine the online play for halo 3 every once and awhile i'm pretty sure people would still enjoy it.

03-20-2008, 01:30 AM
Guys remember Halo Wars is coming out for PC !!! I haven't played Halo 1 or 2 or 3 like that only when Iam shooting my friends on VS mode, BUT I would surely get Halo Wars !!! And as for Halo 4 ... well if it does come out expect more heat from fans !!!

03-20-2008, 01:35 AM
Guys remember Halo Wars is coming out for PC !!! I haven't played Halo 1 or 2 or 3 like that only when Iam shooting my friends on VS mode, BUT I would surely get Halo Wars !!! And as for Halo 4 ... well if it does come out expect more heat from fans !!!

and 360. There is also the rumored Halo Chronicles.

03-21-2008, 03:46 PM
I think there will be a Halo 4 because at the end of the campaign he goes into a thing that like freezes his body so he never gets older,unless somone opens it up.

03-22-2008, 07:58 PM
Halo should just stop, if they attempted a 4 they'd probably mess it up.. plus Halo online isnt as good as everyone says. When it comes to online shooters I prefer to play Resistance because you can have 32 players in the 1 game

03-23-2008, 09:29 AM
That master dude is a retard "halo is one of the best games ever made"

anyways...I personally think Halo gives a bad name to video games. It needs to die.

youll find this funny. a kid at my school said this and I quote "personally I think halo 2 has better graphics than 3"

03-23-2008, 09:28 PM
Halo 4 = bad idea. They would be bastardizing the entire series if they made another one just to sqeeze every last penny out of Master Chiefs perfectly perportioned steel arse.

03-23-2008, 11:43 PM
I don't think Halo 4 should be a bad idea, the ending was bad on the 3th one they should get a better storyline.

03-24-2008, 07:12 AM
I don't think Halo 4 should be a bad idea, the ending was bad on the 3th one they should get a better storyline.


I don't think Halo is a good enough series to deserve a better ending, personally. It's a boring sci-fi shooter.

03-28-2008, 04:55 PM

I don't think Halo is a good enough series to deserve a better ending, personally. It's a boring sci-fi shooter.

It's gameplay amd multi player has gotten old plus thed need to try to continue it from the end of 3 and the story wouldnt work. They would be better just leaving it alone now

08-08-2008, 08:40 AM
I think it should keep on going,
its an awesome sequel

08-08-2008, 10:57 AM
It just can't be done. There is no way to make a Halo 4 with the story already done.
Halo wars and Halo the Movie is going to finish it off nicely, but lets see a different series that is even better!

08-08-2008, 09:16 PM
Still If It was another game yes but halo is if not the best but one of the best games ever

How many other games have you played? 0?

Where's the sign if you DONT want halo 4 petition?

08-14-2008, 10:40 AM
HAL0 4 would top off the game set :-) HALO 4 , HALO 4 , HALO 4!

GF Eric
08-14-2008, 10:47 PM
I think it should keep on going,
its an awesome sequel

v Like Samus said below. v

It just can't be done. There is no way to make a Halo 4 with the story already done.
Halo wars and Halo the Movie is going to finish it off nicely, but lets see a different series that is even better!

You also have to remember the Unknown game that is also coming out.

08-17-2008, 08:02 PM
As much as I love Halo. I'm not sure I want to see another one. I'm afraid that it wont live up to the standard that bungie has already set for themselves with Halo 3. I would like to see a movie made though. I have heard that there is gonna be one...then I heard it was called off I'm not sure what the situation is on that. But if they make a halo 4 I will go buy it for sure. But I don't know. I'm not really sure which way they could really go with it.

08-18-2008, 11:53 AM
If they make it I'll buy it. But personaly I dont want them to. Something can only be good for so long until it gets boring, over-rated or just simply *****. However I would like them to make a new series but still have it based in the halo universe. Infact I think thats what they're planning on doing. (as wikipedia has said). As for the movie, its being constantly canceled and handed over. I dont think anyone is working on it at he moment...

08-18-2008, 12:40 PM
Come on you have to countinue this some how. I mean look at the legendary ending of halo 3.

08-24-2008, 12:50 AM
i want more of master chief but halo 4 wouldn't make sense i want to have a game that tells master chiefs history

08-24-2008, 06:19 PM
The ending sort of left it open so that they could make a Halo 4 if they really wanted to. :]

i agree. i think they will make halo 4 because halo is bungies most successful game they have. if they they make halo 4 there going to make just as much ,mybe more

08-24-2008, 07:26 PM
there gonna make more for sure i think but the question will be would it live up to its name

08-25-2008, 03:14 AM
well a thought halo 3 wouldnt live up to halo 2 but it was twice as better

08-25-2008, 04:26 PM
well from a certain point of view Halo Wars is kinda like a Halo 4

08-25-2008, 05:17 PM
well from a certain point of view Halo Wars is kinda like a Halo 4

yeah it kinda is but halo 4 would have to be a first person shooter not a stragedy. halo wars(correct me if i'm wrong) is before the whole halo series so it wouldn't really be halo 4