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03-10-2008, 10:07 AM

Released On: 25 January 2008
Directed By: Sylvester Stallone
Written By: Art Monterastelli and Sylvester Stallone
Starring: Sylvester Stalone, Julie Benz, Matthew Marsden, Graham McTavish

Plot Outline:
In Thailand, John Rambo joins a group of mercenaries to venture into war-torn Burma, and rescue a group of Christian aid workers who were kidnapped by the ruthless local infantry unit.

Rambo, just like Rocky, has been a succesful series. First Blood, the very first Rambo movie, can actually be named "The Best Action Movie," of it's time. However, I didn't see it, so I can't really compare the movies. However, I can tell you what I saw in Rambo and this is not going to be a biased review because this is my first time seeing a Rambo movie.

Alright, personally, Rambo had lot's of action. You know how in some movies when the character get's shot he just "sits," down and dies? Well in Rambo when you are shot you friggin blow up. There are pieces of bodies flying everywhere. One of the most bloodiest movies I have ever seen. And if you don't like that, I don't suggest you see it. Now, I'm not saying that Rambo being bloody is a downfall, but what really is a downfall was that the story really isn't that good. Now I can understand that, Stallone is old and he shouldn't be writing the plot for the films and that is why he said that this will be the last Rambo movie. Anyway, like I said, the plot really isn't developed, and this movie you can just call it "Organised chaos," because that is pretty much what it is. With no plot, what do you do to keep the movie going? Blow stuff up. Hehe. Anyway, personally, I enjoyed Rambo. Seeing it for the first time was good, and I liked it. With no plot but lot's of action how can I give this movie a low grade? I mean it got people flying everywhere! I suggest you go see this movie.


03-10-2008, 11:43 AM
I really doubt I'm going to see this movie. I have a hard time fighting principal here. seriously the movie industry shouldn't be rewarded for bringing back a dead movie franchise and although I wish it'd beat the pants off of Meet the Spartans in it's debut weekend I am quite glad the movie didn't make too much at the boxoffice, sadly it'll probably sell a ton of dvds and make them want to make another Rambo before he dies.

03-10-2008, 02:23 PM
i have a few friends that saw it, some said the story was bad others said there was some good action, doesn't sound too encouraging

good review

03-10-2008, 10:11 PM
everyone I know said it was amazing.

03-12-2008, 05:35 AM
I never really planned on seeing this.
Nice review :]