View Full Version : List of GFX programs

04-05-2008, 09:22 AM
A great quality graphics program, its right for you if you can't afford photoshop.

Probably best software out there, its a nice but expensive program.
Newest Verison-$700 or so

Great program, made only to make fractals.

Similar to MS paint, but is okay for creating graphics

Corel Paintshop Pro X2
Regular Paintshop - it's lik a 100x better in features and things you can do
$80 on Corel.com
Corel Store - Paint Shop Pro Photo X2
Macromedia Flash
A flash program that works with animation only.
Fix MacroMedia Flash Problems - Fix PC Error, Improve PC Performance! (http://updates-free.com/index.php?key=MacroMedia+Flash&t=2N75A2C&gclid=CMWHnvKUxJICFQx7PAoduwaULA)

Want a program up here? Fill this form.

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Hope this helps new GFX'ers!

04-05-2008, 09:38 AM
Corel Paintshop Pro X2
Regular Paintshop - it's lik a 100x better in features and things you can do
Costs $80 on Corel.com
Corel Store - Paint Shop Pro Photo X2

04-05-2008, 09:45 AM
Thanks the program has been added.

04-05-2008, 09:48 AM
Macromedia Flash
A flash program that works with animation only.
Fix MacroMedia Flash Problems - Fix PC Error, Improve PC Performance! (http://updates-free.com/index.php?key=MacroMedia+Flash&t=2N75A2C&gclid=CMWHnvKUxJICFQx7PAoduwaULA)

04-05-2008, 09:52 AM
Flash has been added.

04-05-2008, 10:20 AM
i wouldn't count flash as a graphics program - you can't really make graphics on his properly - it's mostly to create flash files such as games - it is better to manipulate images here to animate rather than create graphics

but if you will add that in, you might as well get the name and link correct

It's ADOBE Flash now, not macromedia anymore - and no way is this product free, what you found Raw was a little bug fix, it even says it in the title

link: Adobe Store (https://store1.adobe.com/cfusion/store/flex/index.cfm?store=OLS-US&storeclient=flex&category=/Applications/FlashP&nr=0&distributionmethod=FULL&view=ols_prod)

price: $699 new and $199 upgrade

Also previously known as Macromedia Fireworks is ADOBE Fireworks - this is the Graphics Program from the three "macromedia" programs -

link: Adobe Store (https://store1.adobe.com/cfusion/store/flex/index.cfm?store=OLS-US&storeclient=flex&category=/Applications/Fireworks&distributionmethod=FULL&promoid=ALNN&view=ols_prod&nr=0)

price: $299

04-05-2008, 02:52 PM
Spashup (http://www.splashup.com/)

04-05-2008, 03:10 PM
Flash isn't only for animation.
You can use it to draw too.

04-05-2008, 03:40 PM
Nah, LiNuX, that program can be used for graphics too. Just not really good one's.
Also, at my school, we still have Macromedia Flash, and not Adobe Flash, so I don't know.

04-05-2008, 05:51 PM
Nah, LiNuX, that program can be used for graphics too. Just not really good one's.
Also, at my school, we still have Macromedia Flash, and not Adobe Flash, so I don't know.

yes i know you can draw with it but the work won't be as pretty like doing it on fireworks or photoshop

It WAS macromedia - adobe bought Macromedia last year and changed the name - if your computer still has "Macromedia" flash then it probably has the 8th version or prior to that because everything after 8 is changed to CS2 and CS3 which is Adobe :)

04-06-2008, 11:42 AM
Paint Shop Pro 8
A brilliant and cheap graphics program, with many cool effects and image editing.
Round about £12
Link for PSP8 (ebay only, Corel stopped selling this program) (http://search.ebay.co.uk/search/search.dll?from=R40&_trksid=m37&satitle=Paint+shop+pro+8)

04-06-2008, 02:10 PM
Not as pretty? I beg to differ, lol.
I love drawing with that program.
I've seen some great work done with it too.

04-06-2008, 02:12 PM
Not as pretty? I beg to differ, lol.
I love drawing with that program.
I've seen some great work done with it too.

maybe its cuz i suck with graphics lol - but the primary reason for flash was not drawing - flash and fireworks came out at the same time a while back by macromedia - was their way of getting people to buy both to make more money - one for regular graphics and the other for flash animations

02-26-2009, 06:33 PM
Not as pretty? I beg to differ, lol.
I love drawing with that program.
I've seen some great work done with it too.

maybe its cuz i suck with graphics lol - but the primary reason for flash was not drawing - flash and fireworks came out at the same time a while back by macromedia - was their way of getting people to buy both to make more money - one for regular graphics and the other for flash animations

Actually, if you want to get technical - then Linux is right. The reason Flash was MADE was to deal with technical issues of animation, movies, web sites and the smart users IMPORT their real art from Photoshop.

Also - if you wanna be technical, the reason flash sucks for drawing in is because it uses alpha-numerical calculations to render it's art and graphics, called Vectors.

So, if you can use Flash to draw - knock yourself out, but no one in their right mind would recommend it to another user over Photoshop for drawing, designing, or remastering graphics.

That's like saying to someone who's never used a writing instrument that a four year old's fat-body, gigantic crayola is better for writing a letter with than a simple Bic pen. Sure - they do the same thing, but the pen is much more efficient and easier to use.

Also - I would take Fireworks off of this list because it's horrible to use for anything outside of gif work or partial website design. It's clunky and worthless. D;

02-26-2009, 06:59 PM
i actually thought they discontinued Fireworks after adobe bought macromedia but I see that they still have it...meh. It still deserves to be on the list since the list isn't about the most popular or "best" graphics programs. Just graphics programs :)

01-17-2010, 06:22 PM
I have photoshop cs4 and LOVE IT!

03-27-2010, 02:39 AM
i have corel painter 11, adobe photoshop cs4 extended, adobe illustrator cs4 and adobe dreamweaver cs4. But i cannot wait for a new cs5!!!

03-27-2010, 11:04 AM
Photo editor online - Pixlr.com edit image (http://www.pixlr.com/)

An in-browser photo editor.
Similar to photoshop and worked very well for me <:

07-12-2010, 04:00 PM
Adobe After Effects
Adobe product that easily ties in with Photoshop that is designed for creating animation with visual effects.
$999 USD as a Stand-Alone product
adobe. com/products/aftereffects/?promoid=BPDDW

09-20-2010, 05:21 PM
For sigs/renders: Photoshop CS4
For sprites/funny weirdo things: MS Paint
For a bit more advanced image making: Macromedia Flash 8
^ My list of programs ^

LiNuX, Macromedia is a good program D: Look at the little Rob-dog I made! It was suposed to be my profile image on newgrounds, but I'm to lazy to put it there ^^


Didn't remove the white background, once again: lazy :P

09-20-2010, 07:57 PM
LiNuX, Macromedia is a good program D: Look at the little Rob-dog I made! It was suposed to be my profile image on newgrounds, but I'm to lazy to put it there ^^

Macromedia was the name of the company Adobe bought out. They had several programs.

12-16-2014, 01:55 PM
Drow or make small compozition