View Full Version : Street Kings

06-25-2008, 06:57 PM
Anyone here see that movie? It stars Keanu Reeves and Forest Whitaker and it was a pretty good movie. Released this past April and I recently saw it.

It is the whole corrupt cop drama thing but it is much better than the other ones you've seen where one guy tries to bring down the bad cops. This is completely different and I liked it since I am following a career path in the law field.

Keanu Reeves is the best unit in his group, takes care of his Chief's Dirty work and his chief covers for him until Keanu figures out that the rest of his unit (including his chief) are corrupt and by the end of the movie they all want to kill him. Keanu's Old Partner was shot to death with two machien guns in front of him in a department store. The two gunman were two cops and they framed two dead guys. Keanu searches for the dead guys, comes up to the cops, kills them all, then he almost dies, then he kills Forest Whitaker who is the corrupt chief.

I know the explanation may not be great or even in order lol, i don't think it is and i missed out a lot, but its kind of like "You gotta see it to understand it"

It only grossed in about $26 Million in the US and I thought it was pretty good.

Anyone else see the movie?

06-25-2008, 07:18 PM
I hate Keanu Reeves with a passion, lol.
I'm surprised this was a good movie.
I don't know if I want to see it though.

06-25-2008, 07:34 PM
I hate Keanu Reeves with a passion, lol.
I'm surprised this was a good movie.
I don't know if I want to see it though.

lol the only other movie of his that i liked was the Matrix

his "Speed" movie with that lady from the other movies, forgot her name, why did i forget her name lol - well anyway, SPEED was horrible - runaway bus.....yeah

06-25-2008, 07:42 PM
He's just such a horrible actor.
Like, it makes me want to cry.

I gave up on him after he starred in the Lakehouse.

06-25-2008, 07:45 PM
He's just such a horrible actor.
Like, it makes me want to cry.

I gave up on him after he starred in the Lakehouse.

lol, the lakehouse - well he did some decent acting in this movie and my favorite scene was when he hit the guy in the head with a phone book like 30 times to make him confess lol

the guy was gonna say something like after 5 hits or so but he kept on going

and also i liked the movie because it makes you wonder about cops in real life, if they can be this corrupt, and if the scenes where you see cops shooting cops, if those are for vengeance, greed, or out of anger and they use stories to cover it up - and in the movie they show you just how quickly they come up with cover stories

06-25-2008, 10:55 PM
The movie sounds really good.
The plot is well set up and thought out.
I might give it a try.. let's pray I can get past Keanu :]

06-25-2008, 11:03 PM
The movie sounds really good.
The plot is well set up and thought out.
I might give it a try.. let's pray I can get past Keanu :]

lol, it was a good plot, i thought it was gonna suck but a friend of mine who wants to be a cop referred this to me and i thought "why not" and i enjoyed it

06-29-2008, 02:43 PM
Own it... like it... fan of Keanu so I may be biased.

07-09-2008, 11:59 AM
I haven't seen it. But I'd like to. I don't think Keanu Reeves only good movie was The Matrix. I saw a movie a few days ago that he was in and it was good. I don't know the name of it though. I also liked A scanner darkly