View Full Version : Help Me Battlefield 2 server for GF

07-06-2008, 01:25 PM
I have unofficially told people I am working on opening a Battlefield 2 server for Gamers Forum and I have been working on it for a little while but today was the day I put it into action.

I wanted to know if anyone else has exp setting up BF2 Servers because I am only good with Steam Games such as CS, CSS, etc.. And i don't have a BF2 game to start with.

So I asked my friend who is a member of this forum, blackleo to help me test it since he has been playing the game since it came out.

So far he gets the message saying that his BF2 version is newer than the Server's version and they are both v1.4.

Anyone know what could be causing this? I am looking over a lot of web sites but can't find anything on this, getting kind of frustrating since I've been working on it for almost 4 hours now.

Any help appreciated :)
