View Full Version : First female president? ('08 Prez Election)

01-21-2007, 11:30 PM
"New York Democratic Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton yesterday launched a long-anticipated 2008 presidential campaign that could make her the first female president in the nation's history and the only former first lady to follow her husband in the White House.

"I'm in and I'm in to win," Clinton said on her campaign Web site early in the morning..."

SOURCE: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/01/20/AR2007012000426.html


Clinton does carry a very strong constituent base, but will it be enough to win her the election? Further... Should she even win?

In my honest, personal opinion... A woman should not run this country. I know that sounds like a backwater, redneck, sexist statement, but I don't mean for it to be. We know it as well as everyone else; men and women are different. It's proven by science that women are more prone to certain things than men. Of course there are always exceptions and special cases, but generally speaking, there are some traits that most women share, and others that most men share.

That aside, women are emotional. After 9-11, President Bush got mad... He got mad and sent immediate retalliation. Hillary Clinton would have cried before being told by her advisors to send something out. I am sorry, but I do not feel that a woman can effectively perform as active commander-in-chief of the world's strongest armed forces. She might make a viable peace-time president, but I'm an advocate of picking the best president for the current situation of the country. And in this current situation and world standing, I do not believe that Hillary Rodham Clinton will make the best presidential pick for 2008.

With that being said, unforunately, Clinton may come out as the Democrat favorite, with few stronger Dem. candidates beside her, though John Edwards - NC (D) is up there... Senator John Kerry - CT (D) has also expressed interest in running for '08 (HA)

Favorites of the Republican Party (at exploratory committee stage) include high profile condidates:

-Senator John McCain of Arizona
-Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani

Former New York City Mayor George Pataki has also expressed interest in running for election, though has not taken any steps for it thusfar.

All personal speculation aside, Clinton being the first woman in the Presidential office would be a giant milestone for women and women's rights... Power to her for standing up to the mic.

Comments, opinions, or questions?

01-22-2007, 02:35 PM
Well...We've never really seen a female run the country. So we never know how and what they can do. They could be capable of doing it.

01-23-2007, 10:18 AM
and its hillary clinton lol -- bill clinton the first male first lady :) haha, she's ok, but she has to go against barak obama who also has a lot of supporters

01-23-2007, 03:53 PM
and its hillary clinton lol -- bill clinton the first male first lady :) haha, she's ok, but she has to go against barak obama who also has a lot of supporters

this is true, but are americans ready to elect an african american to presidential office? I suppose in the same way that you could ask, "are americans ready to put a female in the presidential office?"

It really might come down to that, as obama and clinton may be the front-runners for their respective parties.

African-American, or female?

01-23-2007, 05:14 PM
All I know that it has been a long time coming for both of these groups to be represented by these people, and I think that it's a good thing...Barack Obama seems like an honest, laid-back, educated young man, and we all know about Hillary, so I can't wait to vote so I can mull this over some more...

01-23-2007, 08:19 PM
lol o yea, twigz just reminded me, we'll be able to vote for that election lol :D sweet, i might flip a coin between them

01-24-2007, 06:48 AM
lol o yea, twigz just reminded me, we'll be able to vote for that election lol :D sweet, i might flip a coin between them


But it's what most americans do anyway... that or they're dimwitted enough about why they choose their candidate that they might as well.

01-24-2007, 09:05 AM
Clinton does carry a very strong constituent base, but will it be enough to win her the election? Further... Should she even win?

In my honest, personal opinion... A woman should not run this country. I know that sounds like a backwater, redneck, sexist statement, but I don't mean for it to be. We know it as well as everyone else; men and women are different. It's proven by science that women are more prone to certain things than men. Of course there are always exceptions and special cases, but generally speaking, there are some traits that most women share, and others that most men share.

That aside, women are emotional. After 9-11, President Bush got mad... He got mad and sent immediate retalliation. Hillary Clinton would have cried before being told by her advisors to send something out. I am sorry, but I do not feel that a woman can effectively perform as active commander-in-chief of the world's strongest armed forces. She might make a viable peace-time president, but I'm an advocate of picking the best president for the current situation of the country. And in this current situation and world standing, I do not believe that Hillary Rodham Clinton will make the best presidential pick for 2008.

With that being said, unforunately, Clinton may come out as the Democrat favorite, with few stronger Dem. candidates beside her, though John Edwards - NC (D) is up there... Senator John Kerry - CT (D) has also expressed interest in running for '08 (HA)

Comments, opinions, or questions?

That's a bunch of sexist bulls***t. How do you know how a female president would react? you don't, because we've never had one. thats the worst most stereotypically BS i've ever read in my life.
How you can be so sexist is beyond me. Good luck with your sexist beliefs and your sexist life.

01-24-2007, 05:32 PM
That's a bunch of sexist bulls***t. How do you know how a female president would react? you don't, because we've never had one. thats the worst most stereotypically BS i've ever read in my life.
How you can be so sexist is beyond me. Good luck with your sexist beliefs and your sexist life.

I will agree with that. We really have no clue how a female president would react....I say she's going to do great. Let her do what shes gotta do. And even if you mentioned you weren't trying to be sexist...CMon....Just by saying "In my honest, personal opinion... A woman should not run this country." You proved your real opinion :/

01-24-2007, 05:34 PM
well we are all entitled to our opinions -- no matter how harsh they are -- but we are all also entitled to our share of criticisms for our opinions :)

01-25-2007, 07:46 AM
A little personal Drake? lol

Here's for the both of you (Soul & Drake)--

Sorry, I just play off of statistics and probability... Like I said I'm not playing a sexist card here. Any statistician will agree, given proper research, that women are just more likely to respond emotionally to things than men. You want some text? Here.

"A new study shows that women are diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) more often than men. PTSD is an anxiety disorder caused by a traumatic event where the person has symptoms of re-experiencing the trauma, avoiding things related to the trauma, feelings of numbness, feeling agitated and easily startled, having nightmares about the trauma and, at times, depression. A new study just reported in the Psychological Bulletin (published by the American Psychological Association) reviewed 25 years of research on PTSD and found that though men experience trauma on average more often than women, women are still more likely to be diagnosed with PTSD.

The study reviewed data from 290 studies done between 1980 and 2005 found that women were more likely to experience a sexual assault and child sexual abuse but less likely to have experienced accidents, assault, disasters, combat or witness a death or injury. The authors of the study (Tolin and Foa) believe that sexual trauma causes more emotional suffering than other trauma. However, even when they took out the women who were victims of a sexual trauma, they still found women to have a higher rate of PTSD.

The study found that women were more likely to have an emotional response (anxiety or depression) to trauma and men were more likely to express their distress through behavior problems, angry outbursts and drug use. They also found that because of the high incidence of women who had been abused in childhood, it was more likely that a woman in a trauma (like a car accident) would have had a past trauma than a man. This was important because a person is more likely to develop PTSD if they have had a past trauma."

Quoted: Dr. Gail Saltz; Psychiatrist, Professor of Psychiatry at the The New York Presbyterian Hospital Weill-Cornell School of Medicine, and Psychoanalyst with the New York Psychoanalytic Institute

As I noted , I choose what is best for the current time and situation of the country... Hillary Clinton does not fit that criteria.

I just can't stand the girl, like I can't stand Nancy Pelosi, and it's NOT because she's a woman... it's the way she acts and carries herself. It's the things they say and do that make me wonder... Do you even pay any attention to politics here in the US? Do you watch the State of the Union, did you watch the Democratic response?

If you had even done the minimal and watched the State of the Union, you would see Nancy Pelosi making faces and motioning disdain as Bush was speaking... That's not even allowed in that chamber during the State of the Union. Remember the ordeal when Bush got hell for it when he debated John Kerry and looked at Kerry like Kerry was a dumbass? Probably not because you don't care enough to watch that kinda ****, but you care enough to give an un-supported opinion... until you prove me wrong of course.

01-25-2007, 07:47 AM
Had to make 2 posts (exceeded limit}

Nancy Pelosi:

"Democrats believe a credible plan to bring our troops home and stabilize Iraq must include three key elements.

First, responsibility for Iraqi security must be transferred to the Iraqis as soon as possible. This action is long overdue. The top priority for the U.S. military should be training the Iraqi army."

What the hell do you think we're doing? We're training Iraqi troops, the problem is lack of cohesion between all the different ethnic and religious groups in Iraq. Some of them want to fight for the same cause but they -- just -- do -- not -- want to work with each other. It would be like training Muslims and Americans to fight side by side a year after 9-11... It would be hard to make work.

"Second, Iraq's economic development must be accelerated. Congress has provided billions of dollars for reconstruction, but little of that money has been spent to put Iraqis to work rebuilding their country."

It would costs even more money to train these Iraqis in our architectural techniques. We're building as fast as we can for the conditions in which we are set.

"Third, regional diplomacy must be intensified. Diplomacy can lessen the political problems in Iraq, take pressure off of our troops, and deprive the insurgency of the fuel of anti-Americanism on which it thrives."

Hun, they didn't become anti-American since and because we got there in March 2003. They've been anti-American for a very.... very long time. I'll agree that diplomacy should be intensified.... but that's a damn broad statement. "Regional diplomacy". Okay? With Iran? Ha. With Pakistan? Afghanistan? Who? Where? And to what extent?

"For three years, the President has failed to put together a comprehensive plan to protect America from terrorism, and we did not hear one tonight. "

Hm, yeah, and for six, we haven't seen one terrorist attack on American soil. Though I might goad a stronger defense of American embassies and consulates abroad.

SOURCE: Democratic Response to State of the Union http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6903161/

As far as Clinton goes, let me quote a New Yorker:

"Incredibly she is the Senator from New York. Those who helped put her in office are now completely unable to point out a single accomplishment by this troll in the 4-plus years she's been here.

She immediately forgot the Western New York population as soon as her blinders were adjusted towards her White House prospects. Yet every time she takes a nice **** we have to hear about it in our local media. Apparently uninteresting news reporting is far more suitable to the Buffalo media than demanding she account for a single accomplishment for her constituents.

Has been completely silent about the budget disaster in Erie County because it doesn't jive with her photo ops in Iraq, and because she couldn't give a rat's ass.

A woman in the White House? Sure, why not? But for the love of all that is sacred, not her!

Grab her by her cankles and send her back to Arkansas.

Tonight on the 11 o'clock news: Hillary Rodham Clinton made a visit to Buffalo today, where she spoke about issues important only to today's polling, and quickly left without answering any unscripted questions. Gee, let's put her in the White House."

She's so left-wing it's not even funny. But then again so is the other democratic front-runner, Barak Obama... sometimes he's alright, but some of the things he says, especially about blacks, is sometimes almost sickening.

The only major administrative job Hillary Clinton has tried to do under her husband's administration was head up health-care reform and she dropped it big-time. Against all advice of her own panel, she pressed on issues that needn't be pressed, she gave faulty information, and she fought with potiential allies to her own damn bills because she claimed "did not understand the wave of popular political support the bill would generate". Ha!

Quoting one of Bill Clinton's administrative staff:

"My two cents' worth--and I think it is the two cents' worth of everybody who worked for the Clinton Administration health care reform effort of 1993-1994--is that Hillary Rodham Clinton needs to be kept very far away from the White House for the rest of her life ... she wasn't smart enough to realize that she was in over her head and had to get out of the Health Care Czar role quickly.

... Hillary Rodham Clinton has already flopped as a senior administrative official in the executive branch--the equivalent of an Undersecretary. Perhaps she will make a good senator. But there is no reason to think that she would be anything but an abysmal president."

Quoted: Brad DeLong; Berkeley economics professor and former Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Clinton Treasury Department

That's Clinton's own staff.

Have you even formulated your own opinion about anything? You know... an opinion involving more than reactive research?... lol

Aside the few, though admittedly promising, acts she has passed involving Child Care and Safety... Clinton just lacks any real accomplishments and has yet to show any of the kind of mettle required for the position as President of the United States and Commander-In-Chief of the United States armed forces.

01-25-2007, 11:53 AM
I never said they wouldn't get emotional. But your being completely sexist. Smashing and bashing and only revealing the negatives that could come from having a female president.

What about the positive things?

01-25-2007, 05:09 PM
I never said they wouldn't get emotional. But your being completely sexist. Smashing and bashing and only revealing the negatives that could come from having a female president.

What about the positive things?

You still don't get it, and you're still not doing any research. My opinion stands, for the third time, for this - point - in - time.

You don't ask me what the positive things are about having Hillary Clinton in presidential office. You tell me what they are, and you back it up with sources and research.

01-25-2007, 05:27 PM
what about...you wont hear other girls working for her bringing up charges for sexual harrasment? lol, haha, thats positive for a Clinton Administration i guess lol :)

01-25-2007, 06:13 PM
what about...you wont hear other girls working for her bringing up charges for sexual harrassment? lol, haha, thats positive for a Clinton Administration i guess lol :)

Yep...only Clinton can get away with something as bad as that...

02-09-2007, 09:59 PM
She might have a betta chance of winning then obama. i look forward to the 08 election because i will be able to vote by then

01-12-2008, 11:50 AM
I'm looking forward to this election... we have a good chance of getting the first female president or the first president who isn't white. It's a win-win situation for me no matter which one gets up for election.:D

01-12-2008, 11:53 AM
I don't want her to win because last I knew she a agenda on video games and wanted to mess with gamers, also 08' could be the first a black get elected. I wonder if he does get elected if some bigot will kill him.

01-12-2008, 12:32 PM
That would really suck... I'm just looking for change so they're both ok with me.

01-12-2008, 12:46 PM
but having another "President Clinton" would be crazy - its like Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton - wtf ? thats since 1988, before i was born, I wanna see another name on there besides a clinton lol

01-12-2008, 12:53 PM
I was kind of leaning toward Obama more than Clinton, but I can't even vote... so I decided I'd be happy with either.

01-12-2008, 01:38 PM
lol im voting this time :D im leaning towards obama as well, well only one will move on to the real election day in november

but the NYC mayor bloomberg may also enter as an independent, which will be weird, not voting for him!

01-12-2008, 01:53 PM
I hope Clinton makes our win

01-12-2008, 02:07 PM
I'm not going to make this long because I love debating about politics and will argue something that I don't even think is correct/true/right/etc just because I love it so much!

I'm going to vote for Ron Paul for President. Just read up on and watch as many things as you can with him. Most of the time I vote for myself for President because I'm sure that I could do a better job than anyone that is normally going up for it; with Ron Paul it's different. He seems to have our country's best interest in mind and everything he says goes back to the Constitution and our Bill of Rights. For the first time since I've gotten into politics, I feel that there is a human worth voting for. Yes it would be awesome to have a female in office because most females would do great things; Hilary just seems to be Bill with a vagina and Obama seems like a great guy just isn't my cup of tea.

@ aosmallan:

You are a sexist a-hole. First off not all women in the world cry over every little thing. I'm sorry that we have the ability to nurture and care for things in a different way that men do. Someones sex should not be the deciding factor on who should run a country. Their views and 'promises' should be what makes your decision. Just the fact that you would ever even say anything like that just shows what kind of human you are and the type of person you are going to turn out to be. It sickens me and you sir and the people like you are the reason our country is in the great state of filth and bigotry that we are in now(that goes for the a-holes who first came here). Grow up and learn to look past someones sex and see the person, not what they have or don't have between their legs. (sorry for calling you an a-hole)

yes more and more women are diagnose with PTSD because most women do not go through it after they have children and it catches up with them later in life. But to say that you are making your decision based on PTSD and because some women can be emotional is just bull **** and you need to grow up. It's not facts that you are going on. All women are not the same, in the end, the beginning, or the middle. We all deal with things differently, including men. but for you to say that she would have cried before telling her advisers what to do is b-s. There are so many things that I would like to say to you but can't because I do not want to be asked to leave this forum or be kicked out.

Good job getting facts about women, next time get facts about the woman that you are talking about instead of just grouping all women into one category and saying that we all respond to things the same.