View Full Version : Amazing game, if you haven't played it.Am

08-02-2008, 07:51 PM
I played it again earlier this week and it's an Amazing game, if you haven't played it.. play it. It's really awesome.. just one story segment is kinda... stupid but other than that its VERY well made.

For those of you who have played it, what ending did you get if you remember?

BTW How do you change the thread title? I messed up lol

08-02-2008, 07:52 PM
What is the game about? You just told me useless stuff.

08-02-2008, 07:54 PM
I've heard many positive things but one thing that kinda scares me that every person that I talk to says the first half of the game is epic but the last half is a snore fest, but I'll probably pick it up just for the first half seeing I could get it cheap now.

08-03-2008, 07:10 AM
I loved the game, completed it like 2 years ago, gave the child to the old ladie lol. Then i couldnt do the last bit at the time so i got the bad ending. Did the last lvl again and got the good ending lol but theres also a 3rd ending which i never got. I got the game for pc about a week back and still loved it. Both halfs of the game are good but there also very differant.

08-03-2008, 09:44 AM
...what game? You haven't mentioned anything

oh indigo prophecy. yeah thats definitely on my list, but I heard some of the game mechanics sucks. (or rather, are extremely odd)