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View Full Version : Is anyone buying or rebuying BurnoutParadise for the new update(Bikes/Weather)?

09-14-2008, 07:47 PM
I think I mighty buy it again to see how the day/night cycle and weather change the feel of the game.

09-21-2008, 07:26 PM
dont even have the original, i actually see an ad on here with that lol...

09-21-2008, 08:18 PM
dont even have the original, i actually see an ad on here with that lol...

that ad is taking over the internet I see it everywhere, now to be more on topic. The update is awesome and if you haven't bought it yet but it nao and if you have a 360/PS3 yet buy it when you get said console.[note: this wasn't directly at you Linux as I already know you don't have a current gen console atm, but to every internet user that bypasses said post]

09-21-2008, 10:30 PM
I had BOP and i absolutely LOVED the game but one stupid friggin thing made me hate the game and i traded it in and i wont be picking it back up.

You know those stunt challenges where you have to drive around doing tricks? Well those suck. Every other race type was great and fun, i beat everything you could possibly beat in that game except for the aweful stunt missions. I remember one of them gave me like 15 seconds to get 500k points. I'm sorry but i cant memorize every single ramp in a massive open world map.

BOP would be one of my favorite racing games ever if it werent for aweful stunt runs ; ;

09-30-2008, 07:27 PM
I plan on buying it soon. Makes me want it even more with crotch rockets in the game.

09-30-2008, 09:02 PM
I had BOP and i absolutely LOVED the game but one stupid friggin thing made me hate the game and i traded it in and i wont be picking it back up.

You know those stunt challenges where you have to drive around doing tricks? Well those suck. Every other race type was great and fun, i beat everything you could possibly beat in that game except for the aweful stunt missions. I remember one of them gave me like 15 seconds to get 500k points. I'm sorry but i cant memorize every single ramp in a massive open world map.

BOP would be one of my favorite racing games ever if it werent for aweful stunt runs ; ;

Yeah those are giving me headaches and I only am doing the 30k in like 1:45 seconds but I still like them, flaws that I'd like to point out is beating the time for each road is lame...doing showtime is awesome fun though...the other flaw is that no speedometer and thinking more a retry button would be nice. here's to hoping that Criterion next project info surfaces soon.

@ Hockeyfan- I previously said there was 2 bikes, well actually there is 4, you just need to unlock the other 2

10-10-2008, 08:25 PM
lol the burnout paradise ad is at the bottom of the screen ironic but anyway i love this add on its so much fun btw this is the 1,000th post for the racing board

02-15-2009, 08:04 PM
yeah kool kool