Conversation Between Mizel and egg-whites333

24 Visitor Messages

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  1. Dawwwwwww, your kitty is so cute
  2. p.s thats my reddit account
  3. hey mizel i just realized if accounts move ip's you must log in with the email so for not on log in with also you should spam overview for Redstoneage with up votes on his stuff some douche bag got him bad comment karma i also have a picture of my cat sitting on my science homework
  4. Rock on I need to play the demo. I played it, but only for like 5 minutes. Maybe I'll spend my evening doing that! ^_^
  5. if you want to play just not on the server i moderate on msg me ill give you my account and password i trust you
  6. Im too cheap to spend the $30 to buy it lol I have the demo version.
  7. you should play it you could join a server i moderate on
  8. I actually do look at that one because my Husband loves the game, and some people do some awesomeeeee **** on there :P
  9. i like /r/minecraft but i dont think you re into minecraft but it has minecraft memes pretty funny stuff
  10. Ah, so we're both Reddit noobs! lol Know of any cool sub-red's?
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 24
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