Conversation Between Mizel and Slay

24 Visitor Messages

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  1. I use various things, sometimes for dimensions, or a solid shine, I use a program called Cinema 4D, it is pretty much for 3D work, but it can be 2D integrated. I use Adobe Photoshop mostly, but after I finish the effects I need I go to Paint dot Net, because I remember the hotkeys there, and it is really simple. Paint.Net is the only free one in that list though. :/
  2. Zomg, awesome! -And- you do it for free?! :O Crazy I tell ya There are 2 I want, a Harley Quinn one and a Bioshock one. But, I shall Ill work on getting together some pics and details and such after work and get em to ya!

    Also, out of curiosity.... what program do you use to make them?
  3. Yep! You can give me some stocks/renders and I can work with them, or you can give me a request, I don't do it for GFP, so you're good on that.
  4. Hey! Sorry to bug you, but I gots a question! Do you happen to make sigs? I thought I read before that you did and Psychotray was making mine, but he's AFK more often then not nowadays and Im getting antsy waiting because I've got some ideas. Need a couple others to switch it up a bit! xD
  5. Lol Fair enough ;P
  6. Lol, any reply I have to that will result in a ban. :3
  7. Wi wi?! *le gasp* :P
  8. I <3 you.
    Ci, wi wi seniore french mizel.
  9. Oh hai!
    Totally! Beep boop,beepity beep and some bleeping bloop?
  10. Oh, hay.
    Bluh, muh bluh bluh, muh bluh bluh, yuh?
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 24
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