Conversation Between Ilyich Valken and LiNuX

47 Visitor Messages

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  1. happy birthday
  2. That's an old pic. Windows and I declared Peace. Now Mac must go down.

  3. :P Didn't know you were in the Linux-Windows war.
  4. Lmao oops. Didn't realize I did that.

    Hm, alright. I'll check those out
  5. black text on black background is fun lol

    as for brand - I like corsair and OCZ for arm and seagate barracuda for hdd. but for ram, you should look to see what will fit, there are different types of ram at different speeds and layers.
  6. I'm looking into getting some more RAM and a newer hard drive for when I get my new laptop (preferrable 8gb ram and 1-2tb hdd) What are some brands you'd reccommend?
  7. That command you told me to try didn't work. Says there's no such file or directory.
  8. we all need money
  9. I figured. I need to get a 64-bit OS anyways :S Now I just need the monay.
  10. well I see you in irc. And it depends on the upgrade, certain parts are just cheaper but if you want to upgrade everything, then it's just better to get a new one. Laptops are too "custom" if that makes sense.
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 47
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