Conversation Between ROFLBRYCE and egg-whites333

32 Visitor Messages

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  1. That's nuts man! Took me like 6 hours to download. Hope your connection is alright to play with
  2. okay sure thing it took 3 days to download including the update so i hope its good
  3. Haha everyone starts somewhere man. It's a good game when you get into it, I'll add you for sure. My name on there is still ROFLBRYCE, so add it if I havn't added you yet by the next time you sign on.
  4. hi i noticed you have lol i just got it but we should play on there sometime im egw333 on there i just got it so im a noob and dont even know how to beat the tut levle
  5. yea thats true flying is about a day not quite but tie change is confusing so its kinda hard to tell
  6. Or 5, haha.
  7. oh yea were a good day away
  8. BC, about 3 hours north-east of Prince George.
  9. were are you from
  10. Ahh okay. Totally across the country from you then xD
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 32
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