Conversation Between LiNuX and Slay

52 Visitor Messages

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  1. if we decide on something big for the forum, there is usually an announcement for it
  2. Ah, okay, if you can tell me how it goes, when it happens, that is. =p
  3. we haven't even had the last meeting yet. everyone has been busy to meet up for one time like we usually do, saving everything for the next one, not sure when that'll be though.
  4. That remind me, what happened to random contests?
  5. we'll see, I'll bring it up in our next staff meeting
  6. Alright, maybe for a user stat we can do:
    Money Donated: x.xx USD, or something of that nature.
  7. We should. It'll probably help out the forum too. But it might feel as if people are buying awards at that point.
  8. We should get awards for donating. :3
    I am donating here in a second, 5 dollars...
  9. I gave you some GFP for a username change from slaylolop to Slay, if that is in use, Slayer..
  10. Can you change my age please? :P
    I am 24...
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 52
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