Conversation Between NekuraX and Exodyus

5 Visitor Messages

  1. OK thanks for the tip xD
  2. Whatever you typed before, my dear friend - was moderated. Lolol.

    You might have dropped a "no-no" word. Lolol... this forum is chalked FULL of rules, be wise and take a peek at them or you'll get some minor breathing down your throat about some idiotic crap.

    Welcome though. If you wanna get far on the forum, don't associate much with me. Lol. I've turned out to be trouble. Lol.
  3. o rly?
    that's madness
  4. I've befriended you on the simple fact that you have a Tactics Bomb as your avatar and I haven't seemed to find another Tactics fan on this damn site...
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5