Conversation Between G33kInTh3Pink and Slay

11 Visitor Messages

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  1. Show off. I wish i could do that kind of stuff
  2. The reason I like fallout so much is because I mod it. I am a scripter, bro, mkay, bro, Imcool bro. Get over it, bro.
  3. You play fallout that can get gruesome but still awesome haha
  4. It is like that for most games I play, plus I hate war games. :P
  5. Wow thats terrible
  6. It isn't the people, like for example, Red Dead Redemption, to beat it, you had to play to level 50, 6 times. :/
  7. I understand i dont like 7/8 out of the people on there
  8. I don't have live, I don't like the experience, no incentive.
  9. Oh thanks man i guess i owe you one haha. Hit me up if you play Xbox My GT is G33kInTh3Pink
  10. +Repping let's readers know that an answer has value, and your oppinion too. To members it lets you know you are liked, it let's us know who is a trouble maker, also it allows access to some new gamer ranks.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
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