Conversation Between EpsilonX and foof

11 Visitor Messages

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  1. Crap. Thought I responded to your message. I love all three of those guitarists. Good taste. Marty has a unique picking style....
  2. Brian May (Queen) John Petrucci (Dream Theater) and Marty Friedman (Megadeth, Cacaphony, solo)
  3. Well the Music Appreciation class that I had back in High School had an amazing teacher. I guess it always depends on who's teaching it...Use the internet to your advantage. There is a LOT of info out there. Especially on Music...Who's some of your favorite guitarists?
  4. no, i don't, and yea, i'm working towards that. I'm starting to understand theory a lot better, but figuring it out on my own has proved a lot more useful than either music theory class i took (one in high school one in college)
  5. Classical guitar will require you to have a very large understanding of theory. Study up on your Modes and Scales. Lol. Other than that its just...a lot of work getting ALL of your fingers sync'd.. Do you have Guitar Pro?
  6. yea, i keep trying to learn that but i really suck at it lol. I wanna learn to play classical style guitar, but i'm gonna have to take lessons for that.
  7. Definitely expand your knowledge to every style of playing. Learn every technique you can. Lol. Chicken picking is always useful
  8. everything lol i'm in a punk band but I can play metal pretty well, i'm trying to expand my playing to a bunch of different styles. The other day I was just jamming out with a bluesy/banjo-y kinda solo and my bandmates were like wow that was cool.
  9. Older Squire Strats are SO much better than today's model. I have a Squire II Japanese Model Strat and the tone sounds amazing. Better than most Fender Strats. What type of music do you play?
  10. this old fender squire. it's really nice though, it may as well be a real fender
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