Conversation Between egg-whites333 and paecmaker

29 Visitor Messages

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  1. I will keep coming back and chek out how its going.

    Just wondering, are you alone in this or are you a bunch of people doing this together?
  2. well it barley public but i published it so you can see it's general set up. Please add this to your bookmarks and keep coming back i would like to set up a news letter soon as well. Today In Gaming
  3. Sadly I dont think I can, first I barerly buy games when they are new(Im like a year after the rest of the world ) and its far and between when I actually do reviews.

    However things might change.

    Edit: if the website is up maybe you can send me a link, I would love to have a look.
  4. Hey how would you be interested in a game reviewer position on my new website?
  5. lol nah thats fine
  6. lol nah thats fine
  7. peac you dont leave you wait that is the point of an irc
  8. okay you did a great job ill do it if you ever want to do it just ask
  9. Oh, I dont really care that no one joined, just that I might not have the time to make anotherone..
  10. Oh, I dont really care that no one joined, just that I might not have the time to make anotherone..
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 29
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