Conversation Between Ubernerd and Yuuki

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Well, I have a lot of things going on at the moment. So I'll try my best!
  2. Sorry to bother you again, but I thought I should mention a few other things.

    The rough draft is not to scale. You should place the upper-left mass farther north than everything else, since it's climate is very cold and the other land masses are temperate.

    You can remove/add lakes or rivers if you want, but I'd prefer you removed a couple.

    Green areas that are close to each other can be merged into one.

    And on the largest mass, please remove two of the mountain ranges: the one farthest right behind another, and the one farthest south.

    Sorry to keep giving you a wall of text to read lol.
  3. All right, try not to laugh too hard at my shoddy graphic skills.

    Rough map.png

    Red is outline of a landmass, green is forest or plains (you can pick which is which), blue is a lake/river, and gray is a mountain range. The mass on the upper-left corner is a very cold, frozen area with not a whole lot of green. The dots and circles on the upper- right hand corner are islands. Everything outside of the circles is ocean.

    I know that's not much to go on, but go a little wild with it if you want. Just make sure your map at least roughly follows the guidelines I set up and is readable. Leave a little space around the landmasses for one of us to scribble in their names later, too.

    If you decide later that you can't do it, don't be afraid to tell me. No hard feelings.
  4. Excellent, it would help me a lot.

    I have a rough sketch drawn with Photoshop (and I mean rough). I'd need you to take that rough idea and make an easy-to-read and much neater than my version map. There aren't too many details right now.

    I'll upload it and send you the file and tell you more about it if you want.

    And if we hammer out a final version that I really like, I can give you credit in the book.

    I can't really pay you, but I can try and exchange services, AND give you credit if you wanted.
  5. Ohh goodness, I could try!
  6. Hey Yuukie, I was wondering if you could do me a favor.

    Would you be interested in doing a bit of cartography for a novel?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6