Conversation Between MissLEGENDARY and LiNuX

36 Visitor Messages

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  1. yeah I remember
  2. I'm glad to be back. So I just started playing WoW...and so far so good. I don't know if u remember but I've always been a console gamer.
  3. Yup, going for my Masters. Good to see you back
  4. Hi there. Hope you're doing well. Life has been utterly insane for the past 2 years. It's good to be back online and having things calm down a bit. You still in school?
  5. Happy Birthday!
  6. Definitely practice...and can't wait for those pics
  7. well I will be sure to share some pictures of the first tattoos i do. haha and I have plenty of time for making babies later....but it's always fun to practice. lol
  8. Good luck with school then Can't wait to see some of your tattoo work when ready. And making babies is always fun, it's just the after effect that most people aren't ready for but you already know how to handle it, I'm sure you'll be great.
  9. I'm sure getting a jump start on the whole family thing works well for some people....but there is just something about that little piece of paper stating that you have joined your life with someone else's forever that changes the dynamics of the relationship entirely. Idk life is full of surprises and at 23 I'm still not doing what I want to do with my life....I plan on starting school next fall. I want to be a tattoo artist...but I want to be professional about it and not just another a** hole sticking some sucky clip art crap on someone's body for the rest of their human lives. I want a degree in Fine Arts and business and I wanna open my own shop. so yeah getting married and having more babies has major potential to put that dream out of the picture completely.
  10. Agreed. I don't plan on getting married for a while. I do have friends that are married now - they're between 20-25, they seem quite happy.
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