Conversation Between paecmaker and mutilations

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Cool. I will try my best but if things come up or something happens at one of my two jobs, I will notify you. The thing with Oblivion is you can pretty much see all the game has to offer if you play it for a couple of days so I should be good. I just got to tell myself not to find EVERY single item and just focus on gameplay aspects for a solid review. Thanks for helping me out.
  2. You can do one of oblivion if you want, but tell me if you think you cant make it to friday next week, Il see if I can make it longer by a day or two then.
  3. It's still a bit hard to say if it's truly open-world or not. You do start at a central area that branches into 5 different worlds. You can pick them in any order. There's a boss at the end of each stage and the ways to get there can vary but I'm still not sure if that qualifies it. To be on the safe side, I was planning on starting a new character in Elders Scrolls: Oblivion to prepare for Skyrim as well. So, I can do a rewiew on that. I don't have many sandbox games besides Oblivion and Fallout. And I don't know if Dragon Age is considered it either. It just limits my playing field on games I already own. -.-;;
  4. Hi, I havent played it but I looked around for it. From what I read its like a hub where you choose your mission/ or world and go on from there.

    What I wonder is how are the worlds, if there are like only one path and not "real" worlds where you can walk around and explore I wouldnt call it an open game. It doesnt need to be one big world its just that the smaller worlds are free enough.

    I hope this helped you a little. And good luck.
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