Conversation Between egg-whites333 and Knibbler

12 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hello knibbler If you are active right now could you please tell me via comment and we will work out a site meeting i would like to get it off its feet soon.
  2. I hope we can have a meeting to start tomorrow, but my nephew and my sister are here so I am going to spend quite a long time with them, we will see.
  3. I don't care if you do not want your paypal donated to or you don't have one that's fine but if you could please at least respond that would be great. thanks,
  4. Do you have team viewer and Skype?
  5. thanks knibbler
  6. Looks a lot better! Well done.
  7. here this is the updated one

    edit: still off a little bit but its not off quite as much
  8. oh ya i guess your right it is kinda off i will fix that right now
  9. That's no problem, I don't mind..
    May I suggest centering all of the text though, as it looks slightly crooked where all the text is aligned to the left.
  10. hi i used your name as the stock of the gfx ninja i hope you dont mind
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
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