Conversation Between G33kInTh3Pink and egg-whites333

23 Visitor Messages

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  1. no prob just helping out
  2. Thank you very much my good man
  3. there you go bro all set your signatures in place and i took the liberty to make your profile pic your avatar
  4. well thanks for the tip i like you after im done ill ad you as a freind
  5. k ill start
  6. I gave you 10 because you do good work and your a really good guy
  7. no prob donate and ill start working
  8. Works ffor me btw thanks for the warning about swearing im new so you might have to correct me once in a while but i will learn quickly and i think i ca contribute to this forum a good bit
  9. i dont think so but i could find somthing to do with him your name and pink
  10. I can sure as sheista promise that so heres kind of a challenge can you make the signature a picture of Richtofan From CoD zombies wearing a pink shirt that says G33kInTh3Pink
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 23
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