Conversation Between EpsilonX and Project Blaze

7 Visitor Messages

  1. lol What's wrong with weird? I, sir, happen to take great pride in being weird!! XD XD
  2. you're weird lol
  3. Whoa, I completely forgot about the other visitor msgs we've been sending back 'n forth. Almost like a clone got into my comp or somethin'. lol Freaked me out for a sec, but I am pretty tired. -_o
    What was I gonna say...? OH! Sorry about that thread where I said I was gonna leave for good(not the "Taking a short break" thread, the other one where I was kinda pissed and such saying that I was just gonna bail and not come back. Can't remember what the title of the thread was though... lol)
    Well, just wanted to send a really belated apology for that. It wasn't really about anything significant, I'm not even sure why I said I was gonna leave tbh. I did at the time... I think... But now I can't remember it if my life depended on it. lol >_<
  4. i'm gonna beat you up if you leave :|
  5. Lateralus is a good one, so is 10,000 Days. There's more of 'em, but I forget which ones. Those are the ones that stick out though.
  6. i meant what songs/albums should i listen to lol.
  7. Hey, what'd you mean by where should you start? Y'know, in that "Listening to" thread.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7